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"So since Finn wont give any details dish already" Honor says

"9lbs 6oz 22" long" Logan says

"Apparently he takes after daddy down below" Rory says smiling

"Oh geez" Luke says

"What about a name" Stephanie asks

"Ya he has one of those" Logan says laughing

"Well what is it" Emily asks impatiently

"Richard Finnegan Gilmore - Huntzburger" Rory says

"You named him after dad" Lorelai says

"He was a very special man to both me and Rory and we wanted to honor his memory, His first great grandson" Logan says

"You game him my name for a middle name" Finn says almost in tears

"Of course you have always had our back's with everything and you did help in the delivery" Rory says

"What you let him into the delivery room and I couldnt be in there" Emily says

"Grandma we didnt even know you where here and he was on of the first ones to make it and he's one of the god parents" Rory says

"Mom, relax" Lorelai says

"We have other news, We set a wedding date" Logan says

"What's the date, hopefully soon" Emily says

"Mother" Lorelai sneers

"November 18th" Rory says

"Awe what a perfect date" Honor says

"What's so perfect about it" Emily asks

"It's the day they first became official in college" Colin says

"How do you remember" Lorelai asks

"It's the day Logan finally admitted to himself he had really strong feelings for her, More then he ever felt for anyone else in his life" Finn says

"I think its romantic" Honor says

"We do too, So grandma do you think you can help us pull off a grand social wedding in 4 1/2 months" Rory asks

"Well you came to the right woman, we will have to start planning soon" Emily says

"can we wait for a few weeks for me to recover a bit and then start planning, me and Logan and come up with the guest list, the wedding colors and small details like that in the next two weeks if you would like" Rory says

"Yes, do what you can without putting yourselves thru too much stress and please allow yourself too heal properly" Emily says

"Thank you grandma for helping us with the wedding" Rory says

"Im glad you asked me" Emily says

"We wouldnt have asked anyone else" Logan says smiling

"Well thank you" Emily says

"We have all seen Baby Richard now, its getting late I think we should let mommy, daddy and baby get some rest" Lorelai says

"Thank you everyone and please call him Richie" Rory says

"Richie, I like that" Emily says with a smile

Before Rory, Logan and Baby richie went to bed the nurse did the DNA test

The next morning july 5th

"I should probably inform my parent that they have a new grandbaby before anyone else tells them" Logan says

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