The flower that died

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This is a prologue/author's note

do not copy this story it will not end well for you okay. okay now thank you for choosing the flower that died.  

 Dang I hate this cold weather and I didn't even bother to bring a sweater. It's 11 at night a lot of places are closed and i'm really hungry. After awhile of me unsuccessfully trying to find somewhere to eat I decided to give up and just go home. But then i thought I heard someone or rather something screech, not a scream oh no this was a horrifying screech. So what do I do well being the idiot I am I go towards it like a damn moron. I turned around and walked the opposite direction. As I got closer to the sound, I finally got to where the noise was coming from, it was in an alleyway the sound got louder but yet less terrifying and sounded more hurt then anything. but I didn't go in. I just stopped and look deep into the darkness well tried anyway., But I just couldn't see anything,it was total darkness.

Then something moved, I couldn't see it clearly but I did see a human like figure. So I tried calling out.

"Hey! Are you ok over there. Do you need help" I shouted, asking if he or she needed help, because it looked like it was stuck on something. I started to walk closer to the person, but when I got closer I stopped dead in my tracks. As I get a better look I can see it I can see it's big bright yellow eyes. What made matters worse is that it, just stared right back me like it was looking into my soul. I took one more step....................and there it was.

WINGS, big black wings were high up like an animal or a reptile saying that it's scared or ready to attack, but all he did was stop struggling and stared at me. And me, My mouth was wide open and my eyes feel like they were going to burst right out of my head. To me it looked like a winged monster, I was so shocked and scared that I couldn't even move. After a while I calmed down, since it looked like he wasn't going to do any harm to me. So I thought maybe he really did need my help. My legs finally moved again I got so close to the creature that I can see his face, it even looked like a man.

 "Shhh, it's alright, i'm not going to hurt you" I said trying to calm him down.

 It sounded like he was weeping. I looked down at the floor and it seemed that he got caught in some kind of net like it fell from the sky. I grabbed my pocket knife out of my pocket and cut the net off of his body.

 "There all better" I said. He didn't do anything but I lifted my arm and my hand almost touched his face, but suddenly his wings went up and down and he took off fast as light. 

"Woow, what......what just happened." 


Okay well what you think. Did you like it yes no maybe so well let me know! Lets see if we can get to 2 votes and what like 3 comments ya that sounds good if we can get that the next update will come even quicker because if you don't the next update will be in a week meaning there will be an update every sunday? YA sound good well i think it does so if yall want the next part faster you know what to do.

So with that all said and done with. until the next update toodles!!

The Flower That DiedWhere stories live. Discover now