chapter 11~~How The Flower Died.

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  It was 5:00 in the morning.

"ZAAAAAAAAACK!" I heard a gunshot, and I can see blood coming from Zack's leg. He seemed to be going down slowly, but was still flying.

"Please just let him go." I tried telling them, but they weren't listening to me.

"Again men, ready..........FIER!" one of them said. Another one said and hit Zack on the shoulder this time.

"NOO!" I screamed.

"NO, stop! He still has my daughter!" Mom said to one of the leaders.

"Sorry, but if that thing is loose then we will have war." the leader said.

"No! Please, what if she is right." Amy said but all he did was laugh and continue to shoot. Me and Zack were still flying in the air but he seemed really hurt.

"Hey I see a spot where we can stop!" I said to Zack, he seemed to get the message. We finally stopped at a hill but it seems to be far enough where they can't get us.

"Hey, let me take a look at that." I said while looking at his wounds. He let me touch and clean it, but he was still bleeding. I stopped and looked in his eyes and said

"No Matter what happens........I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me." I said in reinsurance. All he did was leaned his head on my head to tell me that he understands, and.............and that he cares about me. I stepped at the end and looked down, it was a really long drop. I then looked up and see that the sun was rising up.

"Beautiful." was all I said until the men came back for us. Zack quickly up in front of me to protect me. Mom was in front and looked like she was crying.

"No more, you are mine now!" the leader in front said and aimed his gun for Zack.

"please just leave him alone!" I said again. Zack looked at me, and made a run towards me and then he wrapped his arms around me. But I was too close to the edge that we slipped.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" I screamed, everything around me appeared to be in a slow motion, I feel like there's no air in me, this might be the end.

"EMILYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Mom screamed running to the edge. I looked into Zack's eye they looked happy, he never looked happy. He came close and embraced me as did I, I feel water coming out of my eyes.

"I'm glad I met you Zack." I said in his ear. I can feel like i'm a flower being dropped and splashed down to a pile of petals. But I was dropped down on a branch..........goodbye mom, I hope you know I love you and alway will.

By the time Amy got to the edge it was too late, she can see that her and the boy were blood splat on the ground.

"She-she's dead.........she's dead." Amy whispered to herself.

"EMILYYYYY!" She screamed. She was now crying and sobbing on the ground holding her eyes with her hands.

"It's done now." The leader said.

"How dare you." Amy said.

"I'm sorry what." The leader said.

"HOW DARE YOU!" she yelled and ran to the leader like she was going to kill him.

"HOW DARE YOU KILL MY LITTLE GIRL." She yelled while she tried to strangle him, but the other's held her back.

"Look, I understand you just lost your daughter okay.........I'm sorry." Was all he said and left. The others let go, and went along with him.

"I'm so sorry Emily." she said and headed to the bottom.

It's now late at night, the father came and the ambulance arrived.

"Where is she!" The father said.

"Where were you!" Amy said.

"Wheres Emily?" the dad said.

"She's not here anymore." she said looking away.

"What do you mean she's not here?" he asked trying to look at her.

"I mean she's gone, dead, SHE'S DEAD!" was all she said before she left. "Em-Emily's gone." he muttered to himself. After what happened they never really talked to each other. There is one thing i would like to say, if there's someone out there who you met that means so much to you even though you just met but in a good way. Don't regret it, everyone does not deserve to be alone forever. Just like every single flower can die if it's left alone and not taken care of after it's picked. And so this has been the the end of my story. 



So that's it everyone hope you liked the story of THE FLOWER THAT DIED talk to you all later bye!

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