A/N Should I??

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Hello readers 

so lately i don't think i should finish this story I mean is there anyone still reading it and do you even like it i don't  know any more. Well if you are I need your help if you want me to keep going with the story please let me know because as of this moment i think i am going to stop writing this story and go back to my other one.

This story has been up for a while and only a few people have read it so i'm at a stand still for as to what i should do is it bad or something i don't know please tell me i would like to know i mean do i need to change it and if so what.

so as of this moment i might stop writing this story and if you are reading this and you want to keep reading let me know it would help a lot to know that there are people still reading this story.

And with all of that said i hope you have a beautiful day or night, and smile because everyone needs to smile at least once a day well that's what i think any way because to me every smile has a wish behind it and the more you smile the faster it comes true. but hey that's just me.

And thus with all of this said i hope you beautiful or handsome people had or have a fantabulous day BYE!

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