Chapter 8

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      Today is monday, and it is back to school. Also this means that father is coming home tomorrow. I got out of bed and put on a red t-shirt, and blue jeans. I then got my sucks and shoes on, after i was done fixing myself, I head downstairs being greeted by mother.

 "Well good morning." She said.

 "Good morning" I said. 

"So, are you sure you want to go to school today, maybe you should stay home." She said to me unsure. 

"No mom, I'll be just fine ok. I even got my phone so if I do need to come home i'll call you ok. Now can we please go." I said.

 "Ok, I was just making sure." She said as we were walking out the door. We got to the car and got inside, we buckled up and mom started the car. We didn't talk or anything, I was just looking out the window and looking at the sky thinking on what a day it might be. We got to the school and I got out. 

"Now remember, I am picking you up, so don't walk home ok." She said. 

"Ok mom, I got it." I said as I was walking up the steps of the school. As I got inside, I saw Gabby runny up to about to pounce on me. 

"Hey! I'm glad you're safe." She said giving me a bear hug. 

"It's nice to see you too, but can you please release me before I die." I said trying to get her off. 

"Oops sorry, I just haven't hung out with you in awhile." She said. 

"Well, we better get to class." I said. 

                                               ~~~time skip to end of school~~~ 

I waited for mom on the sidewalk, but she seemed to be a little late. 

"Jee for a mother that tells you she will pick up ,she is 20 minutes late." I said to myself.

Finally she gets to the school and was freaking out, oh god. 

"Took you long enough, what did take you so long anyway?" I asked. 

"Well, someone called me and I guess I lost track of time." She said.

 "Ok? Well i'm hungry so can we go now." I said as my tummy was killing me. I got into the car and bulked up and looked out the window as usual. We still didn't talked, I guess talking in the car is different than talking in the house. When we got home mom was being waaay over protected, like looking all around before she got out, and dragging me in the house. 

"You know, I can take care of myself." I said to her.

 "I know, but I just wanted to make sure." she said.

 "Ok, whatever. Ever Since he got out you been mothering me." I said in annoyance.

 " I was just worried." she said. I looked at her and then headed to my room.

Now back to Zack, he was flying all over the city to look for either something or........someone. He was making a loud noise that sounded like a screech and seems to be calling for someone. He stopped at a house and a window was open, he came closer and looked through. There she was, the girl he first laid eyes on and who saved him that day. I call that day fate or a curse. He got inside.

All I see is darkness and I feel life less, like i'm fading like a flower. I sundally feel myself float or being carried. I open my eyes very slowly cause the sun was really bright. Wait!!! Sun! 

"Wait a minute." I said as I sat up quick. I looked around the area, and I see trees and hear birds and waterfalls. Than I hear something crack, and turn around to the yellow eyes, they lunged at me and then!

 "Ahhhh, *gasped* huh, only a dream? Only a dream." I said to myself, I guessed it was a nightmare. It was now morning, and I can hear talking down stairs. After Emily left the room, Zack was behind the window watching her every move. (what, did you think he took her........................yet.) when I got all the way down, I saw dad, and mom talking.

 "Dad, you're back." I said as i went up to him to give him a big hug. 

"Hey kiddo, it's been awhile huh." He said. 

"Yeah, but how was it?" I asked. 

"Well, it was surprising." He said. 

"Oh, well i'm glad you're back." I said. We are all at the table now eating, while dad was telling us about his trip.

 "Wow, honey that must of been amazing." mom said. 

                                                                  ~~~Time Skip~~~

 (sorry i can't really think on what to put) it is 3:17 and the end of the day of school, I was talking to Gabby while waiting for Dad to pick me up. 

"So, what did he say about his trip?" Gabby asked.

 "He said he enjoyed it, and saw wonderful things, like the ocean and the land." I said with eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"Aww he is so lucky to have job like that." she said with jealousy. 

"Yeah, but at least he brought pictures, but they're at home." I said disappointment. Dad pulled over to the side and told me get inside. I got in and then we were off. When we got home I have this strange feeling, like when I was back at the lab with-......whith Zack. 

"Zack?" I asked myself.

 "Did you say something Em.?" Dad asked, after I was back to reality.

 "Huh, oh yeah, sorry I was lost in a daydream." I said explaining myself. *Why would Zach be here if he was?* I said in my mind thinking what if?


And here it is the next chapter of the story i hope you all like it. Tell me what you think down in the comments. Oooooooh whats happening got any guess's? Have you found out what her feeling is yet?? I want to know what you think. And let me know how you're doing you in a good mood bad one have a good day or a bay one,I still want to know. Even tell me why you're day was the way it was i would love to know.

Okay so with all of that said until the next update toobles!!!!!

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