Chapter 1

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                     Beep, Beep, Beep, click. I turned my alarm clock off and looked at the time it was 6:30am. I sleeplessly sat up on my bed and yawd. I got off my bed to go to the bathroom, take a shower and get ready for my day.

~~~Time Skip~~~

As I was drying off my body, I was thinking about last night and thought if It was real or if I was just dreaming. I shook my head in denial and started to go down stairs to have breakfast. It was now 7:00am so I still have an hour before school. So to pass the time I thought I would watch some T.V since mom went to work early, and my dad is on his business trip and won't be back home for another week. It's now 8:00am and time to head to school, I walk to school, but I really don't mind the walking , I like the exercise I get from it. Once I got to school, all the kids were talking, saying stuff about new's. (I am in the 11th grade) One of my dearest friends came up to me and started to freak out.

"Omg, omg, did you here on the new's" Gabby said.

"No, what's on the new's" I asked.

"Something happened last night and someone caught a thing on tape. It had big wings and was flying in the sky" she told me.

*so it wasn't a dream*. I said in my head after I gasped.

"Hey are you ok" Gabby asked me.

"Huh? Oh yeah i'm fine. In just feel a little light headed". I said.

"Hmm, do you need to go to the nurse office". She asked in a worry toned.

"No, I think i'll be alright, come on we'll be late for class if we don't hurry up". I told her.

On our way to class I can hear people talking to each other about the events that happened last night, but how do they know what it is. I don't think anybody knows what it looks like or what it is. I found my class, and went directly to my seat next to the window. A minute passed and the teacher came in.

"Good morning class". He greeted to us students.

"Good morning Mr. M. We all said back, except for me, as I was looking out the window day dreaming. But after the greeting I looked at the teacher and started to pay attention.

~~~Time Skip~~~

After school I walked home, but again everyone was watching that dumb video about the thing in the sky. I just ignored it and continue my walk home, while listening to my music. Once I got home I unlocked my front door, and when I got inside I locked it again. *wh- what if that thing is around here and tries to kill me* I said in my head. I went in the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge that read:

Emily dear, i'm sorry i'm not home when you got here. I have to do a few things at work and I will be home, see you in 3 hours.

Love mom ;).

I breathed heavily "oh mom, why can't this day be the next day or even on a school day". I said to myself whining.


Well Behold  the first chapter!!

So do you  Like it ,love it? I don't know but if you hate it you can leave mkay mkay.

So if you like it enjoy the story and have a good day till the next update tootles!

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