Chapter 5

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 After we got home, me and mom still didn't say anything. I was now in my room thinking if I should go downstairs and talk to her.

 "Maybe I should talk in a nice and gentle calm way". I said to myself. I was walking out of my room and walking through the hallway, and downstairs. I'm in the living room now and standing by the chair were mom is sitting.

 "M-mom,.........can I talk to you". I asked. 

"Hmm" she said looking up at me. 

"Can I talk to you about what happened at the lab today." I said.

 "Yeah, what is it." she said. 

" well what were you and Dawn talking about when I was in the other room." I asked. 

"Well Let's just say it's not important to you right at this point." She said.

 "Ok, then why were looking at Dr. Cooper in a funny way when he was talking about me staying at the lab for some time." I said back.

 "Well because, you're still in highschool, and this is a serious job. You can actually get hurt Emily." She said with a worried face.

 "I think I will be fine mom, besides, I think me and Zack, and everyone else just fine." I said. 

"Alright, just watch out, you don't need to know more then what you have already know." She said. I got more frightened after she said that, but instead I shook it off. 

"Okay then. Well I'm hungry, what do we have to eat." I asked getting hungry. 

"Hmm we do have some pasta I could whip up." Mom said.

 "Yeah that sounds good actually." I said.

~~~Time skip over dinner.~~~

Back at the lab Zach has been looking around the cage to see if there was a way out. There is something strange about this creature, some might think that just because he's not human they think of him as a dumb animal. Do they know what they are dealing with though. He may not be human but he is sure smarter than one, but still, is he human or a wild animal?

 "Hhhrrrr" he growled. It may of looked like he's thinking of a plan of a way to get out, so the smart one he is, staying and waiting is the best thing to do.

~~~Time to morning~~~

It is now 8:03 and Sunday, Dad does not come home for another 3 more days. So now I was getting ready for my new job/school credit with mom. 

"Hey, get down here already you're food is getting cold." Mom said. 

"Alright, alright, i'm coming." I said while opening the door and going down the stairs.

 "Here, quickly now, we can't be late." Mom said while I was stuffing my face with pancakes. After breakfast, we got to the car and drove to the laboratory. Once we got there, mom was talking and saying all the rules before we got inside. 

"Mom! I think I got it, now can we get on with it." I said. 

"Okay, but I'm just letting you know, so that you know how to not get in trouble okay." She said. We got inside and Dr. Cooper is already in the hallway waiting for us.

 "Ah, looks like you girls are here early. Are you ready for your first day of your job Emily?" Dr. Cooper said. 

"Yes sir." I said

 "Oh, and Amy, we got a task for you. Follow me. Dawn take Emily to the cage will you." He said, and left with mom into another room. 

"Yes sir, okay girl follow me." He said. As we were walking I thought maybe I could ask him a few questions. 

"So when did you first got this job?" I asked.

 "Hmm well when I was about 20-hay why are you asking me question girl?" He said. 

"Well first of all it's not girl, It's Emily, Em-il-y. And second I was just trying to having a conversation." I said. 

"Hmmm, well okay Em-il-y, I got my eye's on you." he said as we are about to reach the doors to where Zach is. Dawn opened the doors and walked in the room. 

"Well here he is, don't open the cage and you will be good day." he said while turning and was about to leave when. 

"Wait!" I said "Aren't you going to stay?" I asked. 

"I have to go to a meeting, no!" He said while walking away and shut the door behind him. Now it was just me and Zach alone in the big room.


Okay so here it is. I hope you all liked it let's see if we can get to 5 votes and 6 comments.

And with that all said un until the next update Tootles!

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