Chapter 4

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       While everyone was leaving the area, it felt like I should of gone too but I stayed put. I took baby steps towards the cage until I was 8 feet away.

 " were the one who was making all that noise that one night, and I was the only one around." I said to the creature.

      All he did was look at me in confusion. I then crouched down to his level, he was on the floor like a child. He then came closer, crawled closer to be more exact. 

"Hmm, you're not afraid of me?" I asked but he just looked at me like he didn't know what I was saying. I looked at him and smiled.

 "Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Emily Rosa, What's your name? I really don't think #7024 is a good name for someone like you." I said. All he did was tilt his head and look at me.

 "What? do you not have one, hmm what if I give you one?" I asked him. It looked like he shook his head yes.

 "Okay then........let's see, Nathan?" I asked. He shook his no. 

"Hmm Daniel?" I suggested, he shook no again.

 "Sorry I'm not all that good at picking names, but what about Zach?" I asked again and this time it looked like he shook his head yes. 

"Okay then, it's nice to meet you zach." I said while he was smiling at me or what looked like a smile. 

      I guess this means he's like a friend, but that feeling is still creeping up my spine. Like my mind is saying stay back and my heart is telling me to help him, but what should I really do? Mom came back with Dawn by her side still talking.

 "Oh, looks like you already mad friends with it." She said. 

"It? I think more of a him mother." I told her. 

"Well all does that mean that you gave "HIM" a name?" She asked me. 

"Well yes, I thought it would be better instead of calling him numbers. His name is Zach." I said.

 "Zach?" Well that sounds like a nice name for him." she said.

After me and mom were talking about Zach, Dr. Cooper came out to speak with us. 

"Ahh, looks like #7024 communicates with you Emily." He said to me. 

"Yeah it looks like it. He also seems to understands me not a lot but a little". I said. 

"Hmmm, Miss Rosa, may I have a word with you outside the lab for a minute." He asked mom. 

"Uh yes sir!" Mom said back. They walked outside the lab and now it was just me and Dawn. 

" did you get it to speak to you?" Dawn asked me.

 "Well first it's a he and "HE" has a name." I said to him. 

"Well what is "HIS" name then?" He asked. 

"Zach, his name is Zach. and I did not teach him he just responded after I asked him if he has a name. Then he shook his head in response, but he didn't say anything." I said. 

   I then saw Zach looking at me, like he was waiting for something. The door finally opened to reveal mom and Dr. Cooper.

 "I'm glad we have a deal then Ms. Rosa." He said to mom.

 "A deal of what?" I asked mom and Dr. Cooper.

 "Well we made a deal if you stayed here and be a company to #7024, then your mother and you can have the credit your mother deserves." he said to us. 

"Is that alright." he said again. 

"Well I don't know." I said and started thinked about it.

 "You can do your home work here and come right after school." He said trying to convince me. 

"I guess that would be alright, well only if mom agrees with it." I said. She gave a big sigh and said

 "I guess it's alright but make sure you do your homework." she said. 

"YES MOM!" I said back with joy. We all agreed and said our goodbyes, but i can see Zach in the distance that he was not happy. When we got to the car mom didn't seem very happy ether. "Mom, are you ok?" I asked Nothing, the car ride was dead silent the whole way home.


And here it is the next chapter of the story i hope you all like it. Tell me what you think down in the comments what do you think will happen next do you have a guess as to what the feeling is that she is feeling yet yes no well if you do tell me i want to know what you think it is. And let me know how you're doing you in a good mood bad one have a good day or a bay one, and tell me why you're day was the way it was.

Okay so with all of that said until the next update toobles!!!!!

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