Chapter 2

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              It was now 6:00 and mom won't be home for 15 minutes, so I thought I could take a shower. I went upstairs to get my cloths and a towel, then I went into the bathroom. I got undressed and Into the shower, I turned on the water and stayed there for a minute to feel relaxed and started to do my hair. After a while I heared the door being open and I shouted

"Mom!?,........Is that you!?" No answer, then I heard something fell like bags being dropped from a tired person.

"Emily, are you in the shower!?" It sounded like mom so I shouted back "Yes mom!"

I quickly got done in the shower and dried off my body. I then got dressed in my pajamas. I got out of the bathroom and went to see mom putting food away. "Oh there you are." She said in relief.

"Yeah I was in the shower, did you need something." I asked.

"Huh, oh. No I just wanted to make sure it was you." She said.

"What did you think I was or who I was". I asked back.

"Well have you heard on the news, someone caught something on tape flying in the air in New York." She told me.

"Yeah I heard, everybody was talking about it at school." I said back.

"Well I thought you were something or someone else so you kinda scared me. Heh sorry hun." She said laughing.

"Hpm. well for your information i'm not a thing." I said in a joking way.

"Oh you're fine it's my fault." She said joking back.

"Ok so what do you want for dinner". She asked me.

"hmm , idk what do you prefer". I asked back.

"Well I got some seafood so why not sterfrie". She asked me.

"Alright, that actually sounds good right now". I said back.

~~~Time Skip after dinner~~~.

After I helped mom do the dishes me and her were watching a movie until I fell asleep on the couch.

"I'll just let her sleep here tonight". MY mother said while she was getting up and going to her room up the stairs. It is now 2:13 in the morning and I thought I heard something calling me so I opened my eyes and saw nothing. I sat up from the couch.

"I guess I fell asleep on the could have at least woke me up so I can sleep on my bed instead." I said in annoyance.

I fully got up and started to go to my bedroom when suddenly I heard lighting. I jumped a little and looked out side. 

"Huh, I guess it's going to rain now." I said to myself. I went all the way up the stairs to my room and got into bed.

It is now 8:00, and this morning is bright but something seemed a bit off. I opened one eye as I was hearing my mom talking to someone on her phone, I really wonder who it could be. Oh I forgot, my mom works in a laboratory where they find new species, as in she's a scientist. So she works like almost all day. I opened both of my eyes and got out of bed and went down stairs. Mom sounded excited. 

"Yes sir I will be there by 8:30, see you later. *beep*, "YES!" She said while jumping up and down.

 "Mom what's going on I said while rubbing my eyes as I was still tired. 

"Oh, Emily. Sorry I guess I got too excited, I was just talking to my boss and he said that we have something new." she said 

"New? Like what?" I asked still tired.

 "Well It's the thing from the other night." she said in excitement.

 "What!? Really." I said in confusion and scared...


Hello everyone its that time of the week where i post another chapter so here it is i hope you liked it. 

Oh ya and i want to try something new so here it goes i want to ask you all a question at the end of every chapter sooooo.....

How was your day today huh?? Was it a good day or nah?? Well i want to know so let me know by telling me down in the comments and don't forget our every chapter vote and comment goals :) so lets see if we can get to 3 votes and maybe 4 comments. 

So with all of that said and out of the way talk to you all in a week and until the next chapter toodles!

The Flower That DiedWhere stories live. Discover now