chapter 7

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             It is now 8:30 and a phone ringing woke me up. I sat up on my bed and tried to listen to what was going on.

 "Hello, .......yes this is why would-.....oh, oh my god." she exclaimed into the phone. 

"Okay, I'll tell her goodnight, and be safe." she said. Wait why would she say "be safe", oh god I don't even know what happened. I hear mom coming up the stairs and into my room. 

"Emily, are you awake?" she asked me. 

"Hmm ahuh, what's....what's going on mom?" I asked.

 "Well, um Em, za-.....Zach got free from his cage." she said in a worried tone.

 "And he is- um looking for, well something, so from now on you are to stay here at home and not go outside. Do you understand." She said in a now serious tone.

 "Yes, but how did he-" I said but was cut off.

 "I don't know, they just called me and said that he had escape and just took off." mom said.

 "I wonder what's he looking for." I asked myself.

After what happened mom thought it would be safer if I stayed home today, but I will go back to school tomorrow and dad is coming home on tuesday. Mom went to the lab while i'm stuck here sitting at home watching T.V. 

"Man, this is totally a wreck, and all because Zach ran away." I said to myself.

 "Well at least I am safe, I guess. Oh come on Em, you can think of something fun to do? Hmm, I know, I guess I can message Gabby since it is sunday." I sid. I grabbed my phone out and started texting Gabby.

Emily- hey what's up

Gabby-nothing much what about you?

Emily- me neither, but I don't think I can walk home with you anymore.

Gabby-what, why. Did I do something wrong?

Emily- no it's just my mom thinks it's safer you know.

Gabby- yeah I guess. Hey did you hear that the thing is back?

Emily- yeah, scary huh, that's one of the reason's I'm staying inside my house.

Gabby- well I wish you good luck and i'll talk to you tomorrow ok.

Emily- yeah see ya.

After I said that I got off my phone and continued watching T.V. Mom comes home at 8:00 today and now it is only 3:23. 

"Why can't this day go faster." I Groaned.

~~ Third person's pov ~~

Back at the lab with Amy and Dr. Cooper, they were discussing what happened with #7024.

"Well I just don't know ser, I really don't know how he got out." Amy said. He sighs,

"Maybe he's smarter than I thought." He said. While the others were looking for clues on what had happened last night, Cooper had his suspicions.

"How's Emily at the house, Amy?" He asked Amy.

"Oh, uh she's fine, but a little uneasy." She said.

"Ah, well it's good that you have her at the house and not here, who know's what would happen." He said.

"Yeah, I can just imagine what could happen." she said. After a while of searching for clues they all got to go home early.

It is now 5:18 and Amy is just down the street from her home and is really bummed out on how #7024 escaped. She pulled in her driveway, and was in real deep thought. Like what if he got to the city, and tries to find something to kill? She was thinking a lot of negative things in her head. *Get it together Amy, your daughter might be in great danger*. She said in her head. She got out of the car and walked up to her door and opened it, seems like the door was unlocked.

"Emily!.........Emily!" She yelled, to see if Emily was still inside the house.

"Huh, yeah, mom, are you okay?" Emily asked.

"Few, you gave me a heart attack, I thought you were hurt or worse missing." She said in a worried tone.

"Huh, oh sorry, i was in my room, and the door was unlocked because I thought I heard something outside but it was nothing." Emily said.

(~~~Emily's POV~~~)

I guess I gave mom a fright, well at least she made it home fine, and early.

~~~skip to dinner~~~

It is now 7:45, me and mom were sitting at the table and eating spaghetti for dinner. It was quiet, until Mom spoke.

"So, how was it being here all by yourself?" She asked.

"Well if you haven't noticed, It was just fine. Since I've gotten used to it, having you gone all the time, and working late." I said.

"Well I'm home now, and maybe for a while too." She said looking down on the table.

"What do you mean what happened?" I asked.

"Well, Cooper said that since "he" is out and missing, we can't really do any work." She said looking at me.

"Hmmm, well now we can do stuff together, right?" I Asked in enthusiasm.

"Yes, but Em I need this job. If I can't work then we have no money, and if i can't make money we don't have a home or food.....or anything." she exclaimed.

"Ok, then......then cross your fingers." I said with optimism.

"For what?" she asked.

"For when he comes back, you never know , he might." I said. We both crossed our fingers and hoped that maybe he might come back, but in my mind I don't even think he will. I mean why would he after all they did to him. I would of let him go a long time ago, then again what if he has no soul? I wonder...........what if-what if he is a wild animal and eats or hurts and even Kills someone? 


      Hello everyone its that time of the week where i post another chapter so here it is i hope you liked it.

     How was your day today?? Was it a good day or nah?? Because i want to know so tell me down in the comments and don't forget our every chapter vote and comment goals :) so lets see if we can get to 3 votes and maybe 2 comments.

So with all of that said and out of the way talk to you all in a week until the next chapter BYE!

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