Chapter 6

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      In front of the cage there was a big chair and I guess that's where I will sit. After I sat in the chair I realized something off.

 "Hmm where's Zach?" I said outloud.

After awhile of waiting I heard a shuffling in the cage. Zach finally came out and looked at me to see if I was alone, and came closer. 

"Oh, there you are. Hm I wonder where you were." I said. He came closer to the edge now and was almost touching the cage. His wings are so big the they are touching the ground. 

"Wow you'r wings are so big and beautiful." I said to Zach. He tilted his head in confusion, but I giggled in response. Dr. Cooper came in the area and was observing on what was happening. "Well I see you two are doing well." He said.

 "Well it has only been 30 minutes. But that was because he was hiding." I said. 

"Hmm, I see. Ill let you two be then." he said.

 "All right then Dr. Cooper." I said back. Zach was watching Dr. Cooper carefully while he was walking out the door. I was watching as well to see what Zach was doing. 

"It looks like you don't like the Dr. do you." I said to Zach. He was still staring at the door to see if anymore people with white coast were going to come in. I still don't know why but I still have this feeling that keeps telling me to run out of here, but I sit still.

It is now 1:00 pm, and mom should almost be done, and we were here for 5 hours. Me and Zach haven't really done much, I was mostly talking to myself and while Zach was just walking around and not looking at me. He was more looking at the door, and the window. Could he be smarter than I thought, could he be thinking of a plan a way to get out? I wasn't sure but maybe this is a bad idea, like what if he does get out and.....what about me.

 "Hey are you ready to go home now." Mom said while coming out of the lab she was in.

 "Yeah, I'm getting tired by just sitting here all day." I said while getting up. 

"Ok then, I just got to check out. Then we can go." She said.

 "All right." I said looking back at her than at the cage. Zach was in a corner but he looked like he was in thought. I did a little wave and went to the doors that led outside to the car. Mom was still by the desk checking out while I was walking out to the car. I got inside of the car and waited for mom. After Emily left the area Zach came back out and went back into his corner because Dr Cooper was coming into the room. All you can hear are the heels of his shoes making the click sound and getting closer to the cage. 

" come out for her, but not for me huh?" He said to the cage since Zach was in the back. Zach gave a low growl to him to give a warning.

 "I see, soon you will obey." He said and left the room.

Mom finally came out and got into the car and started the engine. 

"So how was it since I had to do other things and couldn't see you." she asked me. 

"Well it was fine till it got boring, all he did was sit there and stare at the door and window." I said.

 "That's strange, that has never happened before." she said and started driving. I was quite during the ride home, I was kinda thinking of today. Like about Dr. Cooper and how Zach was acting, but i decided that it could be normal.

~~~Back to the house, it is now 3:45~~~

I was taking a shower and was still thinking on what was happening at the lab. I got done and turned off the shower and got out to put on my twol.

 "Mom!" I showted. 

"Yes Em". she said back. 

"I don't feel so good." I said while getting dressed. 

"S0o does that mean no dinner". She said back. 

"Yeah sorry i'll just take a nap and see if I can eat later." I said. 

"Ok then, I hope you feel better after okay". She said. 

"Ya okay". I said and went upstairs to my room. I plopped down on my bed and drifted off to sleep.

Back at the lad, Zach had it all figured out, and tonight he will be free. So do you think Emily was right? 


Okay so here it is sorry for being late with the update i'm sorry okay i'm sorry but nun the less here it is. I hope you all liked it let's see if we can get to 4 votes and 3 comments.

And with that all said un until the next update Tootles!

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