Familiar Places

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Monday, 26th October 2009

I was sitting in a chair in front of the door of the room of my new psychiatrist. There wasn't any sign which could've told me who his or her name was but I didn't care. Names don't change anything in the doctor's work and character. All seemed to be equal. Suddenly the door opened and a tall man stepped out on the corridor and looked at me. His face seemed very serious and I directly knew that he wasn't that kind of guy who would mess up with anything. He seemed to be friendly though, and I hoped I would get along well with him, that would be at least something.

"Daniel Campbell Smith?" he asked and looked at his file. Instead of answering something like '" That's me" I just nodded my head, got up and walked towards my new therapist. He had short blond hair and a beard and was simply wearing a shirt and jeans. He told me to come inside and I slowly did. So, this was just another familiar place with an unfamiliar person. "My name is Dr. Will Farquarson, I'm a qualified psychiatrist and therapist and I'm really happy to have you as my new patient." From his voice I could tell that these words were meant friendly and honestly. Not a bad sign, I thought. My nervousness slowly decreased. We both took a seat vis-a-vis at each other and he read out my file. "Mr Daniel Campbell Smith, 23 years old, born on 14th July 1986 and suffering of a multiple personality disorder. That's interesting." I furrowed my brows. "W-Why is that interesting?" I stuttered. "It's interesting because I barely medicate people like you. You're so young and already suffering of such a hard disease since you were a teenager." My anger grew. Did he want to commiserate with me? Honestly, that was the last thing I needed. As always, I didn't dare to look into his face or say anything.

"Well, Daniel, please tell me a bit about yourself. I need to know you as well as I can to help you. That's really important." Everything you need to know about me is written in the bloody file you're holding in your hands you dork, I thought quietly and upset. You can't expect me to tell you anything. There was nothing I hated more than stupid questions. The first impression of the psychiatrist obviously had deceived me. Mr Farquarson went on unflinchingly. "I'd like to know more about how your multiple personal disorder expresses. I've already read it in your file but it's always better to hear it from the patient in person." I would have loved to punch him in his face because he really did not act like a qualified psychiatrist. If he had truly been one, he would've been more subtle and careful. "Oh I see, you barely talk" he finally noticed and seemed to change his strategy. "Sorry for being indiscreet." My posture relaxed a bit and I felt my muscles uncramping. Mr Farquarson opened a drawer and laid an empty sheet of paper in front of me with some coloured pencils. "Daniel, please draw me a picture that expresses your dreams of last night. Try to put as many details in it as you can".

So, again something I've done a thousand times before. More reluctant than I wanted to admit I took the black pencil and hesitated. Should I be honest and "tell" him I had nightmares about this session? The therapist precisely observed my actions. After a few seconds of thinking I put the pencil away and took the green one. I tried to draw the football match between Woody, Alex and me yesterday afternoon, this was at least not a complete lie. After I had finished my picture Will took a careful look at it. "Well", he began slowly. "That's quite a nice picture. I bet that's you and some of your friends having fun together during a football match." I nodded my head. "It's interesting to see you're having such positive dreams. But I wondered why you took the black pencil at first, hesitated and then switched to another colour. Did you want to draw something else at first?" He directly looked at me, obviously trying to read my mind and reveal a lie. For an answer I just wagged my head. Will didn't comment on that and just went on and wanted me to listen to some music and meditate. In this way, I went through the first session with Dr Will Farquarson.

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