
44 11 4

Monday, 2nd November 2009

I was running round in my room, trying to not forget anything. My suitcase was already packed, only a few shirts and DVDs plus CDs were lying on the desk. I took a look at the time: 8:30 am. My sister would be here in half an hour. My excitement grew. Luckily I was able to get calm after Dr. Farquarson had talked to me yesterday and now I was pretty sure he would not change his mind. When I took a look out of the window I could see the first snowflakes of the year falling down, covering the yard and the roof of the clinic beneath a white snow layer. This is pure beauty, I thought.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door and it was unlocked. "Mr Smith, Dr Farquarson and the director want to see you once more before you leave. Are you ready?" the guardsman asked. "Almost", I answered and threw the last few things into the suitcase, which was really not packed very neat. As always I was accompanied to the director's office, who expected me together with Dr Farquarson. "Daniel, sit down, please, I'd like to say a few words before I let you go." I took a seat in front of him. "Well, first I want to congratulate on your discharge, I'm truly happy you can go back to a normal life. Please sign those discharge papers." I took a pen and signed the papers. "Hopefully you'll be doing great in this new world. But I'm sure Dr Farquarson would not let you go if he wasn't sure you are ready for something new." The psychiatrist nodded. Then he took a card out of his pocket and gave it to me. "I wish you all the best, Dan. Call me if you need my help or just someone to talk to. You can reach me anytime." I gave him a grateful smile and put the card into my pocket. "Thank you. But I have one last wish. I'd like to say goodbye to someone." Both of them knew exactly what I meant. "I'm sorry, Dan, but we can't let you go to any of the patients. The situation is still serious." To be honest, I didn't expect any other answer than this. I was gutted. Okay Jamie, I thought. I'm gonna send a letter then.

I heard the car parking in front of the institution's entrance. The door opened and Brooklyn came running towards me. She gave me a tight hug. "Dan!", she shouted and I could feel her face getting wet because of tears. "Hey, my sister", I replied and returned her hug. "I'm so glad you're coming home. Wait until we're at my flat, I've got a big surprise for you." I actually didn't want any surprise. I just wanted to get home and start writing the letter to Jamie. I felt terrible about not saying goodbye to her. I didn't notice Brooklyn had already taken my suitcase and put it into the car. I had turned round, searching for the window of Jamies room. I couldn't see her. "Dan?" Brooklyn repeated. "Are you coming?". One last look at the institution.

Suddenly I had an idea. "Wait a moment", I said. "I have to go back for some minutes." I took the suitcase out of the car, opened it and searched for my white/yellow/black scarf. "Wait a minute" I repeated and rushed back into the mental hospital, ignoring Brooklyns shouts. I reached the directors office once more and knocked. Without waiting for a response, I opened the door. "Mr Sykes, I want you to give this scarf to Jamie Capote, the girl in block one. You know who I mean? She has short black hair. Can I rely on you?" . I put the scarf on his desk. "But...", Mr Sykes responded hesitatingly. "You can't leave your personal belongings here." I raised my voice. "I want to give it to her, so it's no longer my personal belonging. Please do me this one favour and give Jamie this scarf." He nodded. "Thank you", I said satisfied and left.

"Prisoner" - Bastille/Dan Smith FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now