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Saturday, 7th November 2009

I groaned and put the hand on the alarm clock to turn it off. It was only 6:30 in the morning but Will had to be at work at 8 so we had to be on time. Unfortunately Will didn't have a guest room at his flat so I had to be satisfied with the couch in the living room which was actually a bit too small for me but I didn't mind. I could hear the shower upstairs so I was sure that Will was using the bathroom at the moment. I decided to switch on the coffee machine to get my first dose of caffeine of the day. I was still pretty tired, but on the other hand I couldn't wait for my date with Jamie. This thought gave me some energy as well.

After 30 minutes Will came down the stairs, obviously surprised I was already awake. "Good morning mate", he said. "Hope you had a good night." I nodded and took another sip of coffee. "Thanks, my night was alright, although the sofa is a bit too small for me." Will grabbed a cup and got himself a coffee. "Thank you for preparing coffee" he smiled gratefully. "If you like you can go and take a shower now." I finished my coffee before I went upstairs and into the bathroom. I really liked Wills flat. It wasn't that big, but all the more cosy, modern and nice. In other words: enough for a man like him, who obviously had low requirements.

The closer the time of seeing Jamie again came the more agitated I got. Adrenalin rushed through my body and my tiredness vanished. I resigned my breakfast because I wanted to pull out as soon as possible. At 7:40 we got into the car and made our way to Jamie.

"You cannot imagine how happy I am to see her again" I told Will. "I've missed her so much". Will nodded while paying attention to the traffic light, which was currently turned red. "I can imagine you have become good friends, She's my new patient since you've been allowed out and she talks about you in almost every session. It's fantastic to see her that happy when she talks about you. It contributes to her recovery I guess."

Suddenly a question which concerned me very deeply came into my mind. I wasn't sure whether I should ask Will or not due to his duty to treat medical records confidentially. I couldn't resist. "Will, I know I'm not supposed to ask you questions like this but what is Jamie suffering of? I've never asked her about it." Will hesitated. "Well, Dan... you know I'm not allowed to tell you anything about the patients I'm treating. I'm sorry but I have to keep my mouth shut. If you like, you can ask her later when you meet her." I didn't reply and we continued our way silently. Perfectly on time, at 8am we arrived at this familiar building of the mental hospital. "Make sure you don't get in the way of Alex", Will warned me. " He's now in a room in block 4, the one for very difficult patients but it's better when he doesn't hear or see you." I was very curious what was happening to Alex at the moment but I didn't dare to ask, as Will told me before, he wasn't allowed to tell me anything. First we went to Will's office where he got the key for Jamie's room and together we made our way to her. "Hello Jamie", Will said and smiled. Jamie was sitting on her bed and read a book named "The diary of Anne Frank". Obviously she was very interested in historical stuff. "I've got a surprise for you. A visitor." She put the book away and got up. "Dan!", she shouted and ran towards me. I hugged her tightly, "Oh god, I've missed you so much!"Suddenly I noticed that she was wearing my scarf, "I've missed you, too!", I replied and smiled. "Let's go to the visitors' room."

We spent about two hours at the visitors' room, just talking about what we had experienced in the past days and some other gossip. At the end of our conversation we switched to a more serious topic: Alex and Travis. "Alex must feel terrible" I stated. "Did you tell him I'm not mad at him?" Jamie nodded. "I did. The doctors are trying their best to bring him back." – "I hope we can be friends again soon" I answered quietly. " And how about Travis?", Jamie asked. " My sister has kicked him out of their common flat", I reported. "She's devastated. And she also kicked me out of her flat because she blamed me and thought that I was the reason for the arguments between Travis and me. I wish I could help her." Jamie could tell from my voice how sad and gutted I was about my current situation. She laid one arm around my shoulder and her head upon my other shoulder. It felt so good to have her near me. Her hair smelled like peaches and mango, the most beautiful scent on earth. "Can I ask you something?", I asked after some terrible minutes of silence. "Sure" she answered without changing her position. She held me even tighter. "Why are you here? I mean, what are you suffering of?"

"Well, maybe I shouldn't tell you. But I can show you." She got up and rolled up the sleeves of her jacket. Scars were scattered on both of her arms, some of them were recent. I was shocked. "Is that enough explanation?" she asked. I nodded. Then she added: "I've also tried several times to commit suicide. But now I'm glad I never succeeded." She laid her arm around me again and her head upon my shoulder.

"I'm also glad you're still alive", I whispered.

"Prisoner" - Bastille/Dan Smith FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now