I'm doing it cause I want to, nothing more

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Xanxus continued holding onto you until your sobs died down.Both of you pulled away, gazing into each others eyes. For the first time, Xanxus's eyes held so much love and affection. You were so confused as to what was happening, you just pulled away from his grip, adverting your gaze from him. "I'm really sorry if i said something to hurt you Xanxus kun, I really didn't mean to." You said between sniffs.

Xanxus stared at her, remembering the last time he saw this side of her was when they were kids. He didn't like it, not one bit, especially when she adverts her gaze from his. Xanxus was so loss as to what to do, so he decided to follow his instinct and did something that caught you off guard. He held your chin, moving you face, so that your gaze met his. As he tilted your chin upwards, you stared into his eyes, that held the same amount of affection as before, the type of affection that you've never seen before, well not from Xanxus at least.

"Don't ever advert your gaze from me, (y/n) chan, look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you." Xanxus said in a tone that held so much affection. You were suprised by the tone he used but did as he said. You jumped when Xanxus leaned in so close to you that both your foreheads touched. A blush spread across your face as you felt a sudden warm and comforting sensation spread across your body. He placed a hand on your head and whispered in a rapsy voice, still looking at you in the eye, "I intend on keeping that promise no matter what. But let me make something clear, I'm doing it cause I want to, nothing more." You felt heat rushed up to your face. What's happening to me? you thought to yourself.

Before you had a chance to reply, you heard the main door creak open.

"I'm home~~~~" Lusuria sang as you heard the door close.

Suddenly the sensation you felt started to disappear and you noticed that Xanxus had pulled away.

Xanxus slowly made his way to his room but pausing for a moment and looked over his shoulder,

"Don't tell me to forget about the past and leave you cause that's for me to decide not you." He said before continuing to make his way to his room, shutting the room door without a sound.

Why was my heart beating so fast just now? I couldn't have ...no that's impossible, those feelings died down long ago....

"Oh my (y/n) chan! there you are! Could you help me prepare dinner tonight?" He asked as he went over to give you a tight squeeze.

"Why not?" You said putting on the widest grin you could manage.

No point dwelling on something from the past, you thought to yourself.

Lusuria cheered, linking his arms in yours, telling you about his day as both of you made your way to the kitchen.

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