Try me

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" Hatake sama! " a guy in a black suit called out to kanda. kanda nodded at him then turning to face you ," I'll catch up with you later (y/n) chan !" he said as he gave you tight hug before leaving, giving kyuu Daime and xanxus a curt nod.

"You two should go take a breather, report back to me in 10 minutes" kyuu Daime said as he made his way to the crowd. before you had a chance to open your mouth , xanxus grabbed your arm, dragging you to the room that you were in earlier. He pinned you at the wall, both hands at the two sides of your body to make sure you can't escape. Both of you stared at one another in silence, until Xanxus decided to speak .

"What's your relationship with that guy?" his voice as cold as ever.
" Well his a good friend of mine, we met when we were kids." you said gazing into his eyes. All you wondered was why he was so interested in Kanda.
There was a
Moment of silence again.

"Who initiated the kisses?" xanxus asked as he started to clench his fists.
"If by that you mean who started to give the kisses, that would be me.." you said softly, why is he getting so worked up.

Xanxus took a deep breath, he was as mad as hell, to think that you kissed that scum on your own accord and the fact that you made the first move pissed him off even more.Then he did something really stupid, he punched the wall with his bare fist.
You couldn't understand what he was getting so worked up about. He was about to punch the wall once more but you stopped him.

Xanxus suddenly felt a soft but firm grip on his wrist. He turned to see you with confusion and worry presents in your eyes.
"What the hell are you getting so worked up about?! it's just chocolate!" you shouted, you couldn't control your voice , you were getting worked up yourself.
Xanxus stared at you like you were crazy, "did you just say chocolate?"

"Yeah.. what did you think I was talking about? it's kisses as in chocolate ! " Now it was your turn to look at him like he was crazy. oh god... don't tell me he thought kisses as in ...You bursted out laughing, " omg Xanxus ! you thought kisses meaning I literally kissed Kanda? like a thousand of times?!" god you were laughing so hard that your stomach hurt.

Xanxus stared at you he was glad that it wasn't kisses as in you literally showered Kanda with kisses, but you were laughing at him...
"Shut up woman." xanxus said as he leaned his forehead onto the wall , your heads were next to each other.
"Give me 5 more minutes!" you said between laughter, god you couldn't stop laughing.
"Woman." xanxus started to growl.
"Okay 2 more minutes!" You were starting to slide down the wall.
Xanxus lifted his head staring at you, slightly amused that you were laughing so much . You haven't laughed this much in a long time.
"Shut up woman, before I make you." he growled but you swore you heard playfulness in his voice.
"Try me!" you said as you laughed even louder.

You thought you saw Xanxus smirk after you said that. Then his lips came crashing on to yours, the kiss was rough and passionate.
Xanxus kissed you roughly, he yearned for you so much for so long . he wanted you to know that you were his, that you belong to him, that he wasn't willing to loose you.

After what had seemed forever, both of you pulled away, breathing heavily.
Once you caught your breath you asked through irregular gasps, "What did you do that for?" you began to blush as the scene replayed over and over again in your mind.
Xanxus smirked, "You challenged me to make you shut up didn't you?"
You stared at him in disbelief.
"Tch, whatever,we should be getting back to work now." you said as you pushed one of Xanxus's hands that were blocking your way , walking out of the room . Xanxus just chuckled while following you out.

Man she's cute when she's mad, he thought to himself as he made his way to you.
Little did he know that you weren't mad at him, you made your way out quickly cause you could feel heat rushing up to your face as your heart beat quickened every time you looked at him.

Don't tell me I've really fallen for this guy you cursed at yourself as you took a glance at Xanxus who seemed to be in a good mood now.

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