Daisuke desu xanxus kun... tabun .....

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"Admit it (y/n) chan, you've fallen for me..." Xanxus said in a rapsy voice but you swore you could tell that he was smirking. " I don't know what you're talking about , now let go of me!!" You said trying to escape from his grip while blushing profusely.

"You care for me so much, my health , my feelings... " He said as he chuckled, " I would say that you've fallen for me, hard." He said smirking. This caused you to blush even harder. No thats impossible, I couldn't have.. you thought to yourself.

"You're in denial (y/n) chan , you want me so badly and you know it..." Xanxus whispered into your ear. You squeezed your eyes shut, you didn't know what else to do. Have I really fallen for him?

"I have my standards but if told me you love me I could settle for you." He said as he chuckled.

That stupid..There is no freaking way I would fall for this jerk. An anime anger vein popped up on your for head as your eye lids flew open. You stepped on his feet, real hard, that his grip on your waist loosened, allowing you to escape. You stood in front of him flustered.

"There is no way I would fall for someone like you, not now not ever!!" You shouted. You started to head for the door cursing under your breath.

"I made you fall for me once, I'll make it happen again." Xanxus said smirking. You stood at where you were, a few feet away from him.

"Fuck you!" You shouted as you turned to his direction, eyes meeting his.

"Pleasure would be mine. I promise to be gentle." He said smirking.

I can't beleive this guy, is he for real?! You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. Don't loose your temper (y/n), a kuchiki is known for their calm and cool personality, that is the trade mark characteristic of the clan. You told yourself, suppressing your anger.

Suddenly, you felt something soft on your lips. Your eyelids immediately shot open only to see that it was Xanxus kissing you with his eyes closed.

Before you could pull away, he pulled you nearer to him by snaking his hands around your waist and pushing your head with his other hand, deepening the kiss. You could feel the great amount of passion and affection exploding in that kiss.
His tongue licked your lips, asking you to part them to give him access into your mouth. You held on to your pride and didn't give in to his demands.

Xanxus was about to loose it, he wanted you so badly, more than he would admit. His grip on you tightened, this was a battle he couldn't lose.

"VOI!! WE'VE WAITING FOR SO LONG!!(y/n) !! STUPID BOSS, GET YOUR ASSES OUT HERE!!" Squalo shouted from the dinning area.

Xanxus loosened his hold of you, allowing both of you to pull away staring at each other, breathing heavily.
You adverted your gaze from him, you could tell that your face was very red.

"(Y/n) what did I tell you earlier?" xanxus said trying to catch his breath . you turned to face him. He smirked as he saw your deep blush.

"We should get going before that trash starts shouting again." He muttered as he made his way to the door.
What's wrong with me?! I can't be in love with a mafia, let alone the boss of the Varia right? you thought to yourself.
Realizing that Xanxus was waiting for you at the door , you went to catch up with him.

"Ti amo, (y/n) chan "xanxus said in a whisper as he overtook you.

Daisuke desu xanxus kun... tabun .....
You thought to yourself as you made your way to the dinning area.

Ti amo - I love you in Italian
Tabun - maybe in Japanese

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