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-at kyuu daime's mansion-

"I'm glad to see that all of you are here on time, and properly attired." kyuu Daime spoke as he appeared at the door in the room the varia were in with Futa next to him.
"Where's (y/n) Senpai ?" Fran asked looking around the room they were in.
"Yeah, the woman said you asked her to come an hour earlier." said Levi who shifted uncomfortably in his suit.

"(Y/n) onee chan!!" Futa shouted as he ran towards you as you walked in from the door at the other end of the room.
"It's about time woma...." Squalo stood there wide jaw unable to complete his sentence. the rest of the varia followed Squalo 's gaze only to stare at you in awe. There you stood in a beautiful white kimono with pink sakura petals on it. You wore a tiara which was similar to Bel's except it had kuchiki engravings on it and a baby blue colored diamond in the middle.

"Ushishi now the princess looks like royalty." Bel spoke breaking the silence. Lusuria ran towards you squealing at how beautiful you are. you just smiled in return as you held on to Futa 's hand.
Kyuu Daime cleared his throat catching everyone's attention, "moving on, you will go in pairs, Lusuria and Levi . Bel and Fran . Squalo will be with Futa . (y/n) with Xanxus who will be with me to greet the guest. There are communication earpieces here to allow all of you to keep in touch with one another, only (y/n) won't be wearing it cause it would be too obvious, so she'll have to stay with Xanxus to get the message. any questions?"

All if you shook your heads, taking in all the information that were thrown to you.
"Good now let's all get into our positions. Miss kuchiki, you'll be greeting a few guest of your own, I know many charming young bosses who are keen in meeting you." kyuu Daime spoke as he signaled you to follow him. As you were about to follow him, you felt a tug at your hand.

You smiled as you saw Futa looking at you, with uncertainty in his eyes. You gave Futa a peck On The forehead whispering to him that everything will
be alright. You turned your gaze to Squalo and smiled , he immediately got the signal . He made his way to Futa 's side as he gave you a curt nod.

Man his still in shock of seeing me in a kimono. You mentally sighed.

-the ball room-

It was already so crowded , with many young men surrounding you , you laughed and giggled at the jokes they crack and the compliments they showered you with.

"Ushishi looks like the princess is charming all the men in the room." Bel spoke into the communicative ear piece.
"Of course, just look at her she's beautiful !" Lusuria squealed causing Levi to roll his eyes.

"She's grown into quite a lady hasn't she?" kyuu Daime asked xanxus casually after they finished greeting another guest. "Hm." Was all xanxus replied, he was too busy looking out for anyone that went too close to you and thought of how he'd kill them if they did. But he was also captivated by your smile, your laughter , the way you spoke. Every little thing about you intrigued him to no end .

You finally got away from the crowd, making your way to xanxus who seemed to be staring at you intently. Before you could take another step towards him, you were blocked by a tall and handsome man , who had beautiful blue hair and eyes . You couldn't take your eyes off him, but there was something familiar about him. The he spoke, "it's been a long time huh (y/n) Chan , I hope you haven't forgotten me yet. "
That voice... "Kanda kun!" you exclaimed as you embraced the handsome young male who did the same while chuckling.

Xanxus stared at you , he was angry. no that was an understatement, he was furious. who the hell is that guy?! he thought to himself. If looks could kill that blue haired male would have died instantly.
He couldn't control himself, he walked towards you . Seeing you smile so happily while you're with another male pissed him off to no end, he wanted to be the only one you smiled like that for. Kyuu Daime however was a step ahead , walking in front of xanxus , also making his way to you.
"I see you've met the young boss
Of the Hatake family." kyuu Daime spoke as he and xanxus joined in the conversation you were having with kanda.
"We met way back, so long ago that I'm surprised you still remember me , let alone recognize me" you said smiling at kanda. kanda returned the smile, gazing at you as he spoke, "how can I forget the girl that showered me with kisses?" he said with a wink.
"You still remember that? "you asked while laughing at the memory.
"How can I not? those kisses were great !" Kanda said as he turned to face kyuu daime and xanxus , grinning.

Xanxus was way beyond pissed now. showered that scum with kisses?! she barely paid attention to me when I'm talking sometimes. xanxus clenched his jaw at that thought.

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