Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

Professor Howell and Professor Lester scheduled their wedding for our last full day at Hogwarts. I only had one class that day, since both Transfiguration and Defence Against The Dark Arts were cancelled, so I decided to attend the wedding. The professors had invited all of the Hogwarts students, and most of them decided to attend. For the seventh years, it was a nice break after their last day of NEWTs, and for the rest of us, it was nice to see that the entire school's OTP was finally real.

Pete had somehow gotten a licence to do wizarding weddings from the Ministry of Magic, so he got to officiate. Nobody thought that this was a good idea, but it didn't stop Professor Howell and Professor Lester. Either way, everyone was certain that the wedding would be rather adorable.

I sat down at the Hufflepuff table that evening shortly before the wedding was supposed to start. Miss Jackson and Teddy sat near me, and I saw Joe, Tyler, Spencer, and Josh at the Gryffindor table. Andy and Dallon were at the Ravenclaw table, and Mikey, Geoff, Ryan, and Brendon were watching from the Slytherin table. Nearly all of the teachers were in the wedding. It was fun to see all of them in their dress robes, along with several of the students.

Professor Lester walked down the aisle in his nicest robes, his blue eyes watching Professor Howell's brown ones. Everyone in the Great Hall cheered, even when Professor McGonagall told us to quiet down. To be honest, I didn't blame any of my fellow students. We had all been dreaming of this day for so long, and even though Professor Howell and Professor Lester were technically already married, none of the students or teachers at Hogwarts had been there for it, and the two of them didn't even remember it, so we clearly needed a second ceremony.

Pete stepped up to the front of the room and made a wedding speech. "It's been obvious to the students of Hogwarts that Professor Lester is the tear in Professor Howell's heart ever since we first walked through the gates of the school," he said. "Now, their secret is out. They've finally confessed their feelings for each other and are getting married. Phan is finally real!" Everyone cheered again. "Professor Howell looks like he is on fire."

"I am not on fire," Professor Howell said, rolling his eyes.

"Fine," Pete said. "Dan is not on fire. Anyways, here's to the death of two bachelors: Professor Howell and Professor Lester!"

The wedding continued, with Pete messing his lines far more than he should have. It finally culminated in a passionate kiss between Professor Lester and Professor Howell. After that, all of the tables in the Great Hall vanished to give us room to dance. Professor Lester and Professor Howell had the first dance, but afterwards, Pete ran up to me. "May I have this dance?" he asked.

I smiled. "Of course, Pete," I said.

The two of us danced awkwardly for a few songs. "You're a much better dancer than I am, Trick," Pete said.

"You're very good too, Pete," I said.

"Don't lie, Trick," he said. "You're a bloody good dancer, and I'm not. By the way, I heard that there's going to be a party in the Gryffindor Common Room tonight, and I'm inviting you."

"Why are we having a party and a wedding on the same night?" I asked.

"It's more fun that way," Pete said. I wasn't so certain, but I nodded anyways. I was dying to tell Pete anything he wanted to hear, because that was just who I was that week. "Brilliant!" Pete exclaimed. "Let's go after the next song."

Pete and I danced through the next song, and we even got a few compliments on our dance moves. Once the song changed, Pete grabbed my hand, and the two of us ran upstairs. We approached the portrait of the Fat Lady, and Pete stopped. "Crazy equals genius," Pete said, and the portrait swung open to reveal the Gryffindor Common Room. Both of us stepped inside. I took a seat of one of the couches, while Pete opened up a case of stolen Butterbeer. "Would you like some?" he asked me.

"I think I'm okay," I said.

Pete turned on the Wizarding Wireless Network as more Gryffindors poured into the room. "I can't believe that Phan is finally real!" Joe shouted.

In fact, Phan was the only thing anyone could talk about that evening. It was on my mind too. Everyone was excited that the two of them were officially together. I cuddled with Pete for a while, and then played a game of wizard chess with him. I wasn't very good at the game, so he won easily. My lack of wizard chess ability didn't matter though. Playing with Pete was always fun.

I ended up drinking a Butterbeer before realising how late it was. I already knew that the next day was going to be a long day. I had a long journey on the Hogwarts Express, and I would have to say goodbye to the ones I loved. That would be a heartbreaking task, especially after everything that we had been through together. I finished the last few drops of my Butterbeer and then said goodbye to Pete.

"Goodbye Sophomore Stump," Pete said. He gave me a kiss goodnight and then went off to talk to Spencer. "Where did the party go?" I heard him say as I left the room.

I went downstairs and entered the Hufflepuff Common Room one last time, somewhere in between laughing and crying. Even though Phan was finally real, I couldn't stop thinking about all of the people I would have to leave. At the very least, Professor Howell and Professor Lester were happy together. The impossible was possible, and they were living proof.

A/N: Hello class...I mean Internet! I hope you're enjoying Patrick Stump and the Flying Car Brigade so far! There will only be four more chapters of this book, but don't worry! I will be starting a new book in January. It's called Spotlight, and here's the description.

Nineteen years ago, Bianca Madison met her future bandmate and boyfriend Robin Stanley. The two made the fateful decision to form indie rock band Madhouse. After many tumultuous years together, featuring romance, drama, lineup changes, a quirky redheaded manager, and a lone hit single, Robin decided to leave both the band and his girlfriend. Now, Bianca's new rock star boyfriend is throwing a party, and Robin has been invited. Bianca knows that she must confront her past, but how can she do that without jeopardizing her future?

Please keep an eye out for it, and thanks for reading! :)

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