Wanting Not To Want

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Two months  later

I walk into the student center for the second time in the last twenty minutes. I turn to a short blonde who i think is named Clare.

Me: "Have you seen Kelsi or Charlie?"

Clare:" Um I think so. Does Charlie have red hair?"

Me: " Yeah."

Clare: "OK yeah I saw them walking together to the cell phone zone in front of the Theater."

Me: "Thanks."

She nods her head and goes back to talking to some girl. I walk in the cold December  weather to the Theater and stop as soon as i see them.

Kelsi and Charlie are intimately looking into each other eyes. I look at them with envy and Charlie asks Kelsi something and She smiles and answers and hugs her tight. As soon as they let each other go I walk up to them.

Me: "What the hell guys? I have been looking for you two for like half an hour."

I look at Kelsi who just looks at the ground and then at Charlie who's as red as her hair.

Me: "Oh my gosh, you guys are dating. Get over it. "

Kelsi looks up at me with surprise.

Me: "Look I don't care. Just don't be gross."

Charlie laughs and so does Kelsi.  We hug awkwardly and start walking to the student center.

Me: "Plus, I got you two together so I should come first in this relationship."

We laugh and everything goes back to normal, no more awkwardness. I look at the clock, 7:30  ten more minutes until English. Ten more minutes until I pass Brandon in the hallway. I smile at the though.

Kelsi: "What? Thinking of David?"

She wiggles her eybrows, Scratch that tries to wiggle her eyebrows and ends up just blinking repeatedly.

Me: "Oh my gosh, never do that again."

Charlie: "Yeah seriously. You're cute but, no."

Kelsi blushes like an idiot.

Me: "Oh my gosh you guys are so gross. I can't handle this. Bye."

They walk to class together, Gag. I look forward and walk through the double doors and down the stair case. I turn left down the hall and then right. A couple is making out to the left of me and another couple is arguing to the right of me. I pass by two class rooms and then stop at mine. I twist the handle and to my surprise it's locked. Awesome. I slide down the wall and sit down on the bench  to the right of the door. I put my ear buds in and  Hallelujah by Pentatonix plays. I tap my fingers to the vocalists in the background and start to mouth the words to my self. Then, Avi freaking blesses my day with his voice. Oh gosh these people make me feel so bad about my self because of how talented they are. I close my eyes and listen to every note in the song. I hear someone talking and I take one of my earbuds out.

I hear a chuckle. Familiar- ish.

" I said is this seat taken Madi?"

I pause the song  and look at the person standing to my left.


Me: "Nope."

popping the p.

He gives me a large grin adn sits down.

Brandon: " So how have you been gorgeous?"

My cheeks get hot and i curse my self for blushing so easily.

Me: "Brandon, we talked about this. Don't do that."

He lifts his arms in a front of him, defending himself.

Brandon: "Sorry can't help it. So how are you?"

Me: " Thank you. Um i'm good, i guess. People are finally starting not to stare at me when I walk down the halls, apparently being carried by a sophomore  on your first day of freshmen year isn't normal *cough* your fault *cough*. My friends are starting to make me a third wheel and i'm happy for them I really am but, it's awkward. But, other then that, muy beno mi amigo."

Brandon : "I said I was sorry about that whole carrying you down the hall thing but, i'm sorry again." 

He did that cute boy thing where he rubbed the back of his neck.  This boy is going to be the end of me.

Me: " I'm never going to let that go you know."

Brandon: "I know, i'm ok with it though. "

He smiled a gentle smile at me. He is he such a good guy, so freaking hot and talented. Stop being perfect. Ugh.

Me: " You make me so frustrated."

He looked so confused and taken a back.

Brandon: "How can i make you frustrated if i haven't even done anything?"

Me: "  Oh let me name a few of your annoying traits.  You... you just sit there being all, perfect. Not only are ridiculous talented, you're incredible hot and you just, you're such a good person. What the hell?"

Oh shit, I did not just say that out loud. Oh gosh when does the fucking bell ring?

Brandon: " Ok let me get this straight. You think that i'm ridiculous talented, incredible hot and a good person?"

He says with a huge grin.

I Drop my head in my hands and muffle out a yes. He chuckles. HELP ME.

Brandon: " How does that frustrate you?"

He scoots closer to me. I could fell my leg touch his and my breathing shakes. I whisper out my answer, making sure only he hears me.

Me : "It frustrates me... it frustrates me because... because I... because I don't want to like you and you... you make it so hard not to."

He looks at me seriously and says the words I really didn't want to  want to hear.

Brandon: " Madi will you go on a date with me?"

The bell finally rings but, he doesn't leave.

Me: "Brandon go to class."

 Brandon : " I'm not leaving until the last possible second or until I get an answer."

I look around to see eyes on me and my classmates start to swarm around the door and they're staring at me. 

I  look back at Brandon begging him to leave.

Me: "Brandon please. It this really the time? People are staring."

Brandon: "Madi I really like you and I would like to take you on a date."

He practically yelled the last part. More eyes on me. I hate this, I don't like attention. I shift in my seat uncomfortably.

Me: "I don't know, I need time. Let me have until the end of the day, please?"

Brandon looked me right in my the eyes and nodded.

Brandon: "OK I can live with that."

He leaned in towards me causing my enter body to freeze. His lips pressed against my forhead and I couldn't move. When he pulled away he waved good-bye and jogged to his next class. 

The second bell rings and my teacher is still not here. Everyone is still staring at me and I cover my face with my hands. We wait for about five minutes after the bell and our teacher comes running down the hall. 

Ms. Flare: " I'm so sorry class, my kid fell down the stairs last night and it was just a rough night." 

She unlocked the door and we filed into our seats. She gets into the lesson and people start to stop staring at me. 

Finally, I hate being stared at, Brandon why do you have to do this to me?

Happy Non-Denominational Holidays ya'll! I hope everyone is having an awesome weekend.


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