viii. in which there is a draft

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beware: I was in a very very big christmassy mood when i wrote this

beware: I was in a very very big christmassy mood when i wrote this

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November 18 1969 ;

                      LILLY RUNS INTO THE CURTIS HOUSE,
throwing her scarf and hat, "It's forty degrees!"

The gang stare at her as she takes off her coat, "Guys! That means it's Christmas!"

They stare at her, "Does it snow?" She asks them eagerly.

"Sometimes," Darry responds, "But it has to be cold enough."

"This isn't cold?" She asks.

The gang shrugs, "You get used to it I guess."

Lilly takes a seat beside Sodapop, he wraps an arm around her, "You do realize," Sodapop says, "It's November eighteenth right."

"Yeah," Lilly says, "Exactly thirty-six days until Christmas and thirty-five days until Christmas Eve."

"What's wrong?" She then asks as they all sat in silence.

"Nothing," Sodapop says, "Tired, that's all."

"All of you?" She asks.

"Yeah," The gang say together.

"Here," Steve says handing Lilly a letter, she frowns and opens it, reading it over and over again.

"You were drafted for Vietnam?" Lilly says looking up at Steve, "Surely you're not going."

"I have to, Lil," Steve responds taking the letter from her.

"Become a draft dodger," Lilly says immediately, "Tell 'em you are a homo—"


"I know a guy who can get you to Mexico."

"I'm not a coward, Lil," Steve responds, "I'll be fine."

"My dad never signed for the draft, neither did my brother," Lilly says, "This war has been going on for ages and now they're forcing others to go? They should go over there themselves, they're the real cowards."

Sodapop kisses the side of her head, "Steve will be okay, Lil."

"Yeah he'll scare 'em off with those teeth of his!" Two-Bit laughs.

Steve lunges at Two-Bit, the two wrestling on the floor.

"Well before he goes off," Darry says, "I was thinkin' I'd make a big dinner for thanksgiving."

"That sounds great," Sodapop says.

"I'll help," Lilly offers.

"It's not fair," Lilly says, jumping onto the bed beside Sodapop.

"What's not?"

"The draft," Lilly responds, "It's almost Christmas and they want to send boys away from their families."

"Not much we can do," Sodapop says pulling Lilly close to him.

"Yeah," Lilly sighs, "The protests don't work that well because the government doesn't care."

"They're just a bunch of lazy, fat asses," Sodapop says kissing Lilly's temple, "For thanksgiving do you want me to buy you a big salad?"

"Why?" Lilly asks.

"Because of your vegetarian-ism," Sodapop laughs and Lilly rolls her eyes, moving away from him.

"My vegetarian-ism thanks you," She laughs, sitting up beside him.

Sodapop smiles up at her, taking both of Lilly's hands in his.

"I hope it snows," Lilly says as she stands up and peeks out the window, "Last time I saw snow I was about ten, I think. It snows in California but it was rare where had I lived."

"Snow isn't that great, it's cold, it melts and gives you frost bite," Sodapop responds, watching her.

"You know that song from White Christmas," Lilly says, "It goes like—I want to wash my hair, my face or something with snow?"

"I mean if you want to get frost bite then go for it," Sodapop laughs at her.

"I think Christmas is my favorite time of the year," Lilly says, "Back when I was younger, before my entire family was messes up, we would go all out for Christmas. And under the tree would be bunches of  candy. They refused to buy us Christmas presents something about capitalism has ruined the meaning of Christmas."

Sodapop laughs, "But it was fine because it was the only time we all got along."

"I didn't get much for Christmas either, maybe some socks or candy. But we used to make a bunch of cookies, too much for us to eat," Sodapop responds, "This one time on Christmas Eve, Darry, Pony and I set out the cookies for Santa but in the middle of the night I got hungry so I went and ate them all."

Lilly laughs, "Did you feel bad for eating Santa's cookies?"

"Not really," Sodapop responds laughing, "At least not now, at the time I felt really bad."

Lilly smiles and leaves the room to find the radio, "Do you think they're playing Christmas music?"

"It's only November," Sodapop reminds her. Lilly continues flipping through channels, she smirks at him when the familiar tune of Elvis' White Christmas plays.

"What was that, Soda?" She asks turning it up, making the gang jump.

"It's the middle of November," Dally says, but Lilly was yelling lyrics over top of him, dancing with Soda.

Dally turns down the music and Lilly glares at him.

"No music until December 25," Dallas replies.

"Scrooge," Lilly says and he rolls his eyes, Two-Bit turns the volume back up to annoy Dally.

Lilly sees Steve sitting by himself, a cigarette hanging from his lip, she makes her way over to him and holds out a hand, "Dance? It'll take your mind off of Vietnam."

Steve sighs and takes her small hand, she grins and sways back and forth before pulling him over to Sodapop, all three of them dancing terribly and laughing.

just a few chapters left. . .

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