Chapter 4 Diagon Alley

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    Before the etiquette classes Sirius and Regulus were asked to go to Diagon ally for shopping. They used the Floo powder and reached their destination. First thing Sirius did was to visit the joke shop ‘Zonko’s’. Entering there started searching through the prank material and tried to grab one of the two best fireworks packets and saw that another hand had grabbed the other one. He turned to see bright brown eyes staring at him. A boy stood there with bright brown eyes, he may be three or four years elder than him, he had red hair and a few freckles. Beside him was another boy, unmistakably his identical twin. Looking in their eyes one could find the mischievous glint only seen in a prankster.

“You have a nice sense of quality, you know. Anyone would have mistaken the dusty packets for old and useless. I am Fabian Prewett by the way and this is Gideon.” Said the boy. “Sirius” they shook hands, "Thanks"  Someone cleared his throat from behind him and Sirius turned to see Regulus staring at him innocently “Let me complete the sentence” turning to Fabian he said “and this is my brother Regulus . See I did not forget you.” Fabian smiled and said “Now we need to go. Bye.” Sirius bade his goodbye and went to continue his shopping. He moved out of his the shop with bags full of joke items.

Next they moved to Flourish and Blotts and bought their books, and went to Madam Malkin’s for robes and had the bad luck of encountering his cousin Bellatrix. Madam Malkin was fitting Sirius with robes when a voice came from behind, “See who it is, My dear cousins. Sirius and Regulus, how nice.” They turned to find Bellatrix staring at them with a disgusted smile. Till the past year Sirius would have growled and turned but now with a smile he said, “Bella, how nice to see you.” Bellatrix snarled at him for using her nick name and said, “So you are now off to Hogwarts to bring shame to the Slytherins are you. But I hope the etiquette classes will wash over you.” “Yeah, right and who is this charm….." he discontinued the word looking at the person who looked like an man on the big nose rather than the opposite, " young man beside you? Did my pretty sister got herself a boyfriend?”

Bellatrix snarled “None of your business” but Sirius said, “But I don’t think so, if my dear sister is thinking of doing something then I should know. Don’t you think Mr whom I think I recognize as Rudolf Lestrange, if I am right.” he said turning to the man, “If you don’t take care my Bella here you will regret that.” "It's Rodolfus, you bloody git." The man replied.

“Though if it means killing her not me seeing her again, Do it.” He added in an undertone. “You are done sir.” Came a female voice from behind, but Bellatrix had pulled out her wand. “No, I request you to take this discussion out of my shop please.” Bellatrix looked around to see Madam Malkin and many other respectable people she knew and put away the wand snarling. “One day I am going to get you” she whispered, turned around and moved out of sight.

“That was a close call.” said Regulus “None of us even has a wand, till now.” “Yeah, you are right. Let’s get my wand now.” Sirius replied as he paid for his robes and went out of the shop with Regulus at heels.  

They entered olivander’s which was seemingly empty, but as they moved towards a desk a croaking voice came from behind them. “Good morning Sirs.” They turned to fins a man in his fifties looking at them. “Welcome to Olivander’s. I will be assisting you today in finding the perfect wand for you. Or let the wand find you as remember the wand chooses the wizard.” He said the last words a little mystiquely.

Sirius went to stand in front of the desk, behind which were racks full of small and sleek black boxes. ‘Well let’s see” Mr Ollivander said and pulled out a wand. “Mahogany, eleven inches, dragon heartstring, quite flexible. Give it a wave.” But Sirius wasn’t even hallway through the wave that the wand was snatched away from him. While olivander moved away to find another wand, Sirius said “The speed at which he snatched the wand he would become a fair snatcher. Also I will remember not to hold my wand so lightly during a duel of some sort.” Ollivander returned with a box “Oak, ten and a half inches, phoenix feather, and best for charms work. Try it” the same thing happened again and again for fifteen minutes till Olivander came and said, “Oak, twelve and half inches, unicorn hair” this was when Sirius energy soaring through his body, into the wand like it was just a part of him. Paying seven galleons and five sickles, and saying thank you Sirius sadly departed home and started waiting for first September.
A/N Plz review, comment and recommend. Hoping to get new readers. If you find any mistakes Plz notify so I can correct them.
Thanks for reading!!!

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