Chapter: The meeting

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The boys started talking and cracking jokes when the door opened again this time admitting a boy with a tired face and with him came a strong scent of chocolate, he had dark brown hair and beautiful amber eyes. "Is this seat taken?" he said in a quiet voice. "Not till now." Said James. The boy sat. "I am James potter and this is Sirius. Nice to meet you." "I am Remus Lupin." He said shaking the hands offered by the two boys.There was a moment of silence when Sirius suddenly said to Remus, "hey, do you have chocolate in your pocket." "Why yes, do you want some." He said taking out a big bar. "I wouldn't refuse but I just asked because either you had a whole stash or you had bathed in chocolate." He said taking the piece of chocolate handed out to him with a thank you.

James asked, "Are you related to Lyall Lupin by any chance." "Yes, he... is my father." Remus replied and saw James grin, "He is a very nice friend of my father, Charlus potter but they had a little fight over the Werewolf Restriction Act." Hearing this Remus suddenly went very pale but a little colour returned to his face when he continued.
"But I don't agree with it. Many werewolves may be good at heart and remain like that 29 days a month, depending on this we should judge them, not on the bases of what they become one day which is out of their control." He stopped when he saw Sirius acting like he was taking notes on an air pad, "go on, professor Potter, I want an A+ in moral science." James punched him slightly but missed and the three-people laughed and talked all the way through.

One hour later they heard a great crash from outside and went to investigate. There they found a short and fat boy with brown hair laying on the floor with the person, Sev, Lily had called him pointing a wand at him, "I am sorry. I wasn't looking." He seemed to be terrified, "You better be out of my way, and look where are you going, next time or you will have no eyes to look with." Said the standing person with the wand.

James and Sirius took out their wands and James said, "Hey, you don't go pointing your wands at people for no reason, Sev" James used the nickname and said it in a taunting voice. "Don't call me that Potter, my name is Snape, Severus Snape and coming in the way of my way is a good enough reason for me." "What a grand way to introduce yourself but it would never have the same effect as James Bond." Remus said. James was not familiar with the quote but went along.

"Alarte Ascendare" Severus said and Remus went flying, and skidded to a halt at Sirius' feet and James replied with a, "Bombarda" and Snape jumped as a small explosion went off between his shoe. By now many of the students had poked their heads out of their compartments and were watching and Sirius had helped Remus up and was about to say a curse when Lily Evans came out but only saw the part when James cursed Severus.

She jogged and came to a stop between the two fighters and said to James, "You prat." But she seemed unable to say anything else and just said, "let's go Sev." And walked away without a glance.

"What's her problem, I didn't start it, calling me a prat while hanging out with that...." His words were discontinued as he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned just in time for lily's fist to meet his jaw.

There was blood on his face as she said, "Don't say anything about, Sev, you prat." She was just about to go when James held her hand and she looked into the hazel eyes which were filled with determination.

"You listen to me, first see what's going on and then call people prat. Your Sev, was bullying this boy here and threatened to hex him because he bumped into him when I stepped in to stop that and he hexed Remus first and then I reciprocated, not for fun but for defence, I have got at least fifteen people as witnesses and now go and listen to him sobbing about how I hexed him and console him, that bloody Snivellus Snape." James dropped her hand and turned to go, and so did lily. "Good one, James." Sirius said quietly.

The fat boy followed the little gang back to their compartment and just before they entered asked if he could sit there. "I am Peter Pettigrew, thanks for all that." He said timidly. When James turned to look at him he was smiling like just now he had not hexed a person and caught the attention of the whole train.

"I am surprised no prefect caught you." Remus said. "Maybe they saw I was defending someone and the fight was obviously over she stepped in." James said she with some irritation but then they sat and talked like nothing happened.

A/N Thanks for the reviews and votes, this chapter is dedicated to SiriusHinnyShipper for being my first comment....And every Saturday chapter will be dedicated to one of my reader. Thank you😊😊😁😁

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