CHAPTER: Flubberworm problems

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The boys reached the dungeons just in time.

The door of the potions class room was opening as they came to a halt behind Gwen and  looked up  to see a man standing at the door smiling at all of them; he had a big belly and a bushy moustache that made him look a little like Santa. “Come in, Come in.”
1st year Slytherins were already there   and seeing this Sirius and James groaned a little and went in.

James and Sirius paired up so did Remus and Peter, just by default.

James looked up to see that the table on his front was occupied by none other than Severus Snape. He looks at Sirius from the corner of his eye grinning broadly.

Just then a mass of red hair appeared beside him and Lily put her books down and smiled at Sev, “Hey Sev, want to be potions partner this year.”

“umm... yeah.” he was a little hesitant which Lily frown but anyway they took out the books and faced the class.

“Today, we will be making a very simple, sleeping draught. It is available on page number 15 of your books. Please proceed.” They all turned to their books

“I will figure out that Gwen girl . I don’t think it is even her true name” James whispered, “Yes, she took her time answering to that, see this.”

Sirius turned towards their right and saw Gwen coming out of the ingredients cupboard and he whisper yelled, “Gwen.” She didn’t answer, he called again and this time she saw up and he said,“Can you fetch the valerian Sprigs for us.”

She rolled her eyes but fetched it for them anyway, “See.”

During the next half hour James and Sirius got bored from sitting and James thought of an idea.

Trying to  distract them, Sirius threw paper balls at Severus and Lily. As they turned after six balls James levitated three extra drops of Flobberworm mucus into their cauldron and as soon as they turned back, BOOM.

Everyone looked up from their work to see two faces blackened with soot and their hair standing up like ylthey were electrocuted.

Many couldn’t hold their laughter including James and Sirius who were crying with laughter at the two astonished faces.

Slughorn came near them and and said, “It looks like you added a little more flobberworm mucus than needed, no worries; you will do better next time.”

Till now the bell had rung and the boys ran out of class with Remus and peter at heels, “You did that, didn’t you.” Remus said in a voice which told them he didn’t find it funny

."Yeeess.” James and Sirius chorused together as they came to a stop at the transfiguration corridor. Peter was just laughing and said, “I found it funny.” Followed by a bow from the two boys, acknowledging their part in the tomfoolery.

“Hi” came a voice from behind and they turned to see Percy, Jason, Leo and Frank standing, the voice belonged to Frank. They all talked a little as they went into the class where they found an unexpected sight. Something that wasn't normal..... even at Hogwarts.

A/N  Please enjoy..😄😄

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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