Chapter : Hogwarts.

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The rest of the journey passed without any further incidents, and after a while one of the prefects came in to inform that they should change and were about to arrive. The train screeched to a stop and the four boys stepped out, they had just started to think where they should go when a voice said, “First yers, com' h're, with me. Yerall ready eh. I am Hagrid, the keeper of keys and ground keeper of Hogwarts” They walked and reached a lake with a small cluster of boats.

 The children started to get in and Merlin knows how James, Lily, Sirius and a girl landed in one boat while Severus, Peter, Remus and one other boy were in another just behind him. The boat started to move ,as Lily sat with a expression that showed disgust but actually concealed confusion. The unknown girl seemed like the one who would ride a motorbike and run it over a guy but it looked like she was holding back on herself, with fair skin, black hair and beautiful sea green eyes she looked very beautiful in the moon light. Lily tried to talk to the girl in order to avoid any conversation with the boys, “Hi, I am Lily Evans, nice to meet you.” But she seemed not to be able to take her eyes away from the boys. She whispered, “Marauders.” It was nearly inaudible but the boys could hear it while Lily could not.

“Excuse me, I couldn’t catch that.” “No, it was nothing. I am Griselda Gwendolyn, my friends call me Gwen.” “No, it was something. What is Marauders?” Sirius interrupted. “It’s nothing that concerns you.” Though she was lying, they couldn’t ask more as they had come to a stop.

The girl got out and stood apart from her former group. “Strange girl”

They walked a little, and now stood in front of large oak doors which were opened by a lady who had a strict expression on her face, her black hair was tied tightly in a bun and her eyes were black.

She searched the group as if trying to find something and stopped to look at Gwen; she nodded her head and got a nod of head as a reply.

This had not gone unnoticed by the two boys and Sirius asked Remus, “Hey, did you see that.” “What?” “That nod, the professor nodded to the girl and she nodded back. It is the same girl who said Marauders. I told you something was fishy.” James said in one breath. “Now you both are imagining things. I knew you were crazy.” He replied jokingly and waved away their suspicions.

“Oh, we will find the secret behind this Gwen.” Sirius said.

The Professor had started talking, “Good evening, I am Professor McGonagall, the head of Gryffindor house. You will today be sorted into your houses; your house will be like your family here, your accomplishments will earn you points while any rule breaking, points will be deducted. There are four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Huffelpuff and Ravenclaw. Each house has produced outstanding witches and Wizards, but remember your house does not define who you become, it is your own choice.” It looked like it was not usual for her to say the last line but she did say and turned around to walk in.

After a little while they reached a room near the Great hall where Professor said, “I will a return and you will follow me into the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony. Mean while tidy yourself as much as you can.”

Looking at James running his fingers through his hair she said, “I asked you to tidy up not make yourself messier.” James said nothing and smirked while his companions grinned. She moved outside and the talks continued.

“I will go and try to talk to that girl Gwen.” Sirius said as soon as he saw her again. “Yeah, try to find something we can use.” James said but Sirius had already moved towards her while Remus tried to say that maybe it was not such a good idea but was quietened by James

“Hi there” Sirius said with his charming smile trying to get Gwen to talk to no avail as she replied with, “Don’t try that on me.”

Sirius was not fazed and continued, “So which house do you expect to be in.” “Well, I am confused between Gryffindor, Slytherin, Huffelpuff and Ravenclaw.” “You cannot give a straight answer, can you?” Sirius said with a smirk “Then i wouldn’t be me and you wouldn’t be the one i was talking to.” “Swave.”

Before she could reply McGonagall walked in and Sirius walked back to his friends as they moved towards the Great Hall.

“She could kill with her tongue.” “Oh nice, that will help our motive.” James said and the expecting look on his face washes away.

They had now reached the Hall and the talking quietened down. The boys now noticed that Professor McGonagall was carrying a stool with a hat on it. The children were confused and then the brim of the hat opened and it sang.

A/N I am very, very sorry (ducks curses and jinxes) I couldn't reach a laptop, so to compensate, here is a long chapter.....Bye in Connor style...
Make sure to give this chapter a big star, recommend, comment and bluh bulh bulh bluh bye...

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