Chapter 2

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AN: Kay, so here is chapter 2. Hope you like it! :)

The tour bus finally pulled into the venue. We had been driving for what seemed like forever, but was really only about 7 hours. We had driven from London and we were scheduled for our next show in Paris. I hadnt talked to any of the boys the entire trip, so they had to come find me when the bus came to a stop.

"Harry?" I heard Liam's calm voice behind me. "Harry, where are you?"

I quickly wiped my eyes, and cleared my throat praying that he wouldn't be able to tell I was crying.

Of course, as soon as he opened the curtain and saw my face his brow furrowed, and he look worried.

"Harry? What's wrong?" His voice was so sympathetic, I felt the urge to just blurt out everything going through my head. I couldn't though, because I knew what everyone would think. What Louis would think. So, I quickly came up with the most believable excuse I could.

"I miss my mum," I stated blankly looking out the window. It wasn't a total lie, of course I missed her. It just really wasn't what was concerning me at the moment.

Liam took my statement to be the entire truth, nodding knowingly. It really was a good excuse. All of us understand when another is missing home. To constantly be travellng, and to barely ever see our families, is the hardest part. But, in the end, I guess its worth it.

Or at least it used to be.

Everything I've felt in the last few months has totally changed my outlook on touring. With each show, I've found myself wishing it was the last, instead of wishing I could relive it. It's so disappointing, because what you love is supposed to make me happy, and in a way, I guess it kind of still does. It's just who I love that isn't making me happy.

Liam patted me on the back, as the two of us left the bus. The other lads were already ahead, Louis skipping like a toddler up the path to the stadium. I couldn't help but crack a small smile when I saw him, his childish ways getting the best of me. That was partially why I loved him. He had not a care in the world, and didn't really stop and think before he did or said anything. That was the one downside if Louis though. It was really easy for him to hurt someone without knowing. He was so innocent.

We saundered through the side doors, and were met with big hugs from all our stylists, Lou especially.

"Harry, love," She said, frowning. "You've been crying. Tell me you didn't watch a sad movie on the bus?"

I shook my head, and managed a small smile. It probably looked more like a grimace, but she accepted it, so I did too.

"Missing mum," I croaked out, afraid again to tell the truth.

"Oh," she said, and nodded curtly. She began to walk over to Niall. She turned around halfway, and gave me a sad look. I was taken aback.

She knew I was lying. I took a sharp intake of air, and flipped my curls out of my face. She stared me in the eye, and I tried my best to stay strong. Eventually, she bought it, and turned away. Instantly, I bolted out of my styling chair and out of the dressing room, running down the hall. I came across a bathroom, and ran inside, locking the door. I slid down the back and ran my hand through my greasy hair. My eyes began to water, and I checked the lock again, before I just let it all flush out. I covered my face with my hands and sobbed. I was terrified Lou knew what was going on, she was really close with each of us. I was also afraid she would mention something to the other boys. Especially Louis. I wasn't near ready for any of them to know, but especially Louis.

Once I had cried my eyes dry, I wiped off my face, and walked to the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy, and my hair was a mess from pulling at it. I splashed cold water on myself, and grabbed peper towels to clean myself up. I practiced smiling convincingly, but it was no use. I looked like I had been beaten up by a kangaroo, and thrown in a poison ivy bush. But, i had no choice but to leave, I could hear footsteps coming down the hall. I opened the door, and turned right into Louis.

The last person I wanted to see.

"Haz?" Louis asked, crossing his brow.

The broken look on his face made me want to kiss him, but I knew I couldn't, so I ignorantly brushed past him. I didn't turn back, but I didn't need to, to know that Louis was hurt. I briskly walked into the dressing room, and plopped myself down in the chair. I didn't say a word to anyone, as they combed, sprayed and styled my hair. I stared with emotionless eyes when they powdered my face, and rubbed copious amounts of creams and glosses over my eyes. I felt so dead, so empty, that I didn't feel the tiniest bit impressed when they spun me to the mirror and I saw the normal Harry looking back at me. Normal except for my eyes. They were blank, emotionless. I didn't recognize the person in the mirror.

"Harry, have a good show," Lou said, with one last bit of sympathy. I didn't acknowledge her as I stood and walked out, heading backstage. I was greeted by our guards ushering us to our places. We were being launched through holes in the floor, to land on stage. A mighty beginning. I was positioned between Niall and Louis. I looked to my left.

The last thing I saw was Louis' face, confused, hurt, and wide eyed, before I was launched into the bright light.

AN: So? Do you like where this is going as much as I do? I have sooo many ideas for this book!!! Im really excited! Let me know what you think!!

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