Chapter 20

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AN/: SO I am on the computer writing this for the first time in forever. :) So, it's been too long once again, but currently I am working on another dark fanfiction that is also Larry. I have 6 parts written, I'm going to write ten, then post. When I do, I will put the link in this book, so please, when I do, go check it out!! Enough pish posh, on to Chapter 20! (ALREADY?!)

Louis POV

I paced around the flat, basically covering every square foot of it. I avoided the hallway, I could still hear Harry's faint sobs. I didn't understand what was going on. I hated to see my Hazza sad, but I couldn't do anything. I felt like this was my fault.

Of course it was. I knocked up fucking Eleanor.

I knew I had screwed up, but part of me was questioning why it was him getting so upset and not me. Why would her being pregnant have anything to do with Harry at all? Aside from the fact that it might totally ruin our image.

There's that too.

I seriously considered about 9 times, heading down there to calm him. At one point, I got to the door, but his sobs turned me around.

I had seen him cry many a time, but never like this. He was full on wrecked at this. Maybe something else was bothering him, and I was just daft. That was a likely possibility, you never really know with me.

After I called Liam, there wasn't much to do but wait. In reality, it was only about fifteen minutes before he showed up. In my head, it felt like hours. Harry hadn't stopped crying when Liam drove up the driveway.

"What's going on?" He asked me, strutting through the door.

"Where are Zayn and Niall?" I asked.

"What's going on?" He pressed.

"Where are Zayn and Niall?" I decided to be stubborn.

"Zayn's with Perrie. Niall's sleeping. What is going on?" Liam said exasperated.

"Eleanor showed up." I said bluntly.

"Oh," That's all he said.

"She's pregnant."

That sparked more of a reaction.

"What?!" He gasped. "Yours?"

"Yeah. She told me, and then Harry ran down the hall crying. Liam, why would he be crying?"

"I don't know Louis," he said. "I'll go find out."

He had a concerned look on his face.

"Liam!" He turned.


"Are you sure you have no idea?" I asked, praying he would give me some sort of answer.

"Nope." With that, he walked down the hall to Harry's room.

I waited in the livingroom. It was hell, and finally I couldn't even take it anymore. So, I walked down the hallway, and threw open Harry's door.

I wasn't prepared for what was waiting on the other side.

Harry POV

I didn't exactly know why I was crying. I guess that Louis' baby was kind of a finality.

I was really never going to have him.

It broke my heart, because I'm almost positive that now Eleanor wants him back.

Louis will go to her. Something tells me, he'll go to her.

I felt something wet touch my hand. At first, I thought it was just tears, but then it was rough. I realized that Nikki was trying to comfort me by licking my hand. I patted my lap and the large dog jumped up, curling his head into my side. I wrapped my arm around Nikki's neck, and buried my head into his floppy ears. He just took it.

About 10 minutes passed like that, then I heard Louis and Eleanor leave. I assumed they were on their way to her flat. She had probably convinced him to fall back in love with her.

I gently stood, careful to move Nikki without disrupting him too much. Tears were streaming down my face as I cautiously made my way to my bathroom, and felt around. I pulled on the third handle down, and felt for the flap. I pulled up the secret compartment, and grabbed my bag of razors.

They got rid of my first one, but I made a new one.

I grabbed a blade, and slowly made my way to the bedroom. I pulled off my shirt and ran my hands over my scars.

It was so easy.

Before I knew it, I had dragged the blade across my skin 9 or 10 times.

I was about to do it again, when the door opened.

"Oh no," A voice said, softly. "Oh Harry."

It was Liam.

I started crying again, pretty much immediately.

I heard him shuffing around, then felt a burning sensation as something was pressed against my stomach.

It was soft and fuzzy, and Liam put his hand on the side of my face.


We sat in silence, with my occasional sniffle, while Liam cleaned my stomach. He had gone to the bathroom to grab bandages, when the door opened again. I would've recognized the surprised squeak anywhere.

I could picture Louis' jaw dropping in shock.

Liam came back.

"Harry? Louis?" He asked.

He took a deep breath.

"Well, fuck."



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