Chapter 9

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AN: Heyy!! So, sorry it's been a while since I've updated, I've been writing other things on the side and have been busy with school. I don't know how long this book is gonna be, it's going really fast. But, I'm not good at filler chapters at all, so maybe I can come up with a sequel? That is, if you like it enough. Shoot me ideas if you've got 'em, and I'll shuffle through the possibilities for this story! Deal? Deal.


Zayn POV

Louis almost ran out of the room. I looked over at the other lads. Niall's face was bright red, and Liam's eyebrows were knitted in thought and confusion. I looked to Harry.

I could only describe him as...well.. dead. He had no emotion written on his face and Liam was staring at him. Niall looked like he was about to burst into tears. I suddenly felt extremely angry. Louis was being an asshole. I got up off the chair, and went straight down the hall to the bathroom that Louis was hiding in. I tried the handle but he had locked it.

"Open the God damn door Louis!!!" I yelled. I was furious. He was never a homophobe, why was he now? I banged on it, and Louis came and opened it.

"What the hell do you want Zayn?" He asked, sneering. I put my hands square on his shoulders, and pushed him backwards, slamming the door behind us.

"What the fuck was that?!" I practically screamed. He stepped back.

"They're faggots!!" He snapped back, but with less power.

"You've never thought low of gay people before, tell me why the hell you've started now!" I spat.

He stood there blankly.

"Why are you being such a twat?! Harry ran off to New York for fuck's sake, there's OBVIOUSLY something he's not telling us, and now you've gone and become a homophobic jerk?! This is supposed to be a rebonding time, and a time for us to try to squeeze whatever the hell it is that's bothering Harry out of him, and now, God only knows why, he's bottled himself up like Jiminy Cricket!! So, whatever it is that's making you act like this, get the hell over it, and be the normal Louis!!" I yelled.

His face just fell.

I stepped back too.

"Louis?" I asked.

"I don't know if you're forgetting, but I kind of got turned down by.." he paused and cleared his throat uncomfortably. "The love of my life."

He looked down.

"I'd say that pretty much fucks a person up to no end," he said quietly.

"I'm sorry Eleanor said no.." I started. He cut me off.

"That's just it Zayn," he snarked.

I gave him a puzzled glance.

"What's just it?" I spat back, though, I really wanted to know.

"She said yes," he said with a bite behind it.

"Why did you tell us that.."


His tears were falling. He paced the floor, tugging on his messy hair. He sat down on the toilet seat after a minute, and put his face in his hands. I slowly walked over and rubbed his back.


"Please Zayn, don't. What she said to me, I can't get it out of my head. Don't waste your time thinking of ways to console me, cause none of it's going to work! All I am is a..." he stopped.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm a faggot," he stated blankly. I frowned.

"Why are you suddenly a faggot?" I questioned. I wondered if there was something I had missed.

"That's what she called me," he said. "Faggot."

"That's a rude term for a gay person, you're straight. That's the worst insult ever." I heard the door slam from the living room. The others must have left.

Louis put his head in his hands again, and cried freely.

"Why is this bothering you so much?" I asked.

He looked me in the eye. His were shining so blue beneath his tears, I just looked right back at him.

He sniffled, shuddered a bit, then weakly choked out the words:

"Because I am one, Zayn."

AN: Okay this is short, but the Louis admitting is over with!! The next chapter should be normal length again. I just wanted to get something up!! Vote, Comment, Share!! Thank you!


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