Chapter 17

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2 Weeks Later

Louis POV

"Aside from the obvious fact that Harry's sight has not yet returned, he is clear and good to go!" Dr. Rhodes said clipboard in hand. "I'll get a nurse to come in and teach him how to walk with the guide. How do you feel about getting a dog?"

My heart lept in my throat. I had always wanted one, but Harry never had. I looked over to him, he was sitting on the bed, staring straight ahead. It broke my heart to know he couldn't see me, or anything for that matter.

I nodded in Dr. Rhodes' direction. He smiled.

"I'll have them bring him in then. Not only with this guy help Harry get around, animals are a very good therapy method. We don't need to tell Harry that though." He winked and left the room.

I walked to Harry's bed and sat down. I grabbed his hand and he sucked in a sharp breath.

"You startled me!" He said. He welcomed my grasp and rubbed my hand for a minute before muttering.

"Louis, right?"

I nodded then, cluing in he couldnt see me, whispered to him.

"Yes Haz, it's me."

He smiled softly at the old nickname, then turned to me. His smile faded.

"Where are you?" He croaked. It looked like he was going to cry. He didn't even know his eyes were watery.

"It doesn't matter," I said. I put my hand on the other side of his head and gently pulled him in, laying his head on my heart, and stroking his curls. We sat in silence waiting patiently for the nurse to bring Harry's new guide dog in.

Finally, after about 20 minutes, a young brunette nurse with tightly curled hair came in with a beautiful yellow lab. The dog was wearing a blue harness and vest that said in bold yellow letters:


I looked at him and fell in love.

Although he was trained to be calm, his tail was wagging slightly, and his ears were flopping.

I wanted to pet him so bad, but the nurse walked up to the opposite side of Harry's bed.

"It's important that Nikki's first interaction is with Harry, then you can go nuts!" She laughed at my pouty face, but I totally understood.

"Who's Nikki?" Harry asked.

"Harry, my name is Angelica, I'm a nurse. I brought in someone you'll want to be aquainted with. I'm going to take your hand, and show you who Nikki is."

She gently grasped Harry's wrist and placed it on the lab's back. His face went from a solid expression to a confused furrow.

"A dog?" He asked. "Why is there a dog in here?"

I smiled at his obliviousness.

"He's going to be your guide dog while you heal up." Angelica said. Harry's face dawned a look of realisation and he turned to me unsure.

"Can we..." He started.

"I already said yes Haz," I said.

Harry took his hand from Nikki's back, and slid it to the dog's neck, then down the side of his head. Nikki whined, and nudged Harry's hand with his head. Harry kept moving his hand until he found Nikki's chin. He smiled as the dog licked his fingers.

I smiled at them. They had already formed a bond. It was adorable.

"It's a good idea for you to go for a walk around the hospital with him to adjust, before you go home." Angelica said. "Louis and I will both go with you. Hold out your hand."

He held out his hand and Angelica put Nikki's harness in Harry's grasp.

He found his way up off the bed, and cautiously took a few steps. Nikki began to walk, but Harry pulled back on him.

"I know it's hard Harry, but you have to try and trust Nikki. Remember that he has been trained all his life to help someone like you. This is his job." Angelica gently reminded. Harry nodded. He took another step as we stepped with him. Nikki took a step, then another, and another. I was proud to see Harry allowing the dog to lead him. Nikki took us through the door, and out in the hallway. Walking with Harry, I got to take a look around.

We walked all around the recovery ward, where Harry had been staying. Nikki took us to the elevator, and Harry felt the buttons to see which one he needed.

He pressed 3 wrong, but I was proud anyways when he finally pressed the right one.

Our elevator stopped on a few floors, but Nikki didn't leave until we were on the right level. I was impressed.

He led Harry through the cafeteria, and other nurses and medical staff applauded Harry when he walked by.

He was so brave with this.

By the time Nikki returned us to Harry's room, Harry was much more comfortable. He sat on the edge of the bed, and scratched behind his new guide's ears. Dr. Rhodes came back in, asked me to sign a paper, and dismissed us.

Harry allowed Nikki to lead him with confidence, well, improved confidence, and they followed me to my car. I helped Harry get in, then opened the door to allow Nikki in the back. He jumped right up on the seat, and he sat down. I finally had the chance to pet him.

Damn he was soft. I could have pet him for hours, if Harry hadn't been waiting.

I walked around and jumped in the driver's seat. I turned the car on, and as I drove out of the hospital lot, rested my hand on Harry's.

"You'll get through this Haz," I said.
"We'll get through this."

He nodded.

"Thank you Louis," he said, his voice full of genuine appreciation.

He squeezed my hand, and it sent tingles up my arm and hit my heart with a pang.

He was almost ready.

I would tell him once he had gained his sight back. I had the perfect way to tell him, but he had to see it.

I was so confident that he would see again. He was Harry. Something like this couldn't bring him down.

He was almost ready.

We drove home, hands connected, with only the sound of Nikki's panting.

AN: So?

It has been


I'm so sorry guys. A lot has been going on with my family, and I just didn't have the energy to write. But, things are looking up! Here is a short chapter. Hope it sufficed until I can update again!! :)

Challenge: I need another dog name, for a later chapter. It has to be a girl!! Can you guys hit me with some suggestions and the one I like most will be used in the book, and will recieve a dedication? Thank you!!! :)

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