Chapter 7

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Louis POV

The plane landed in Manchester, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Flying was not always my strong suit, even though we basically did it constantly. I still had to adjust to the occasional turbulence, and attempt to not be sick to my stomach. The fact that I was going to propose to my girlfriend could be partially making me nauseous though as well.

I stood and reached for the carry on compartment before I realized that the only thing that was with me was the small box in my pocket. I frowned, and exited the aisle, shaking off the strange feeling I was getting.

What I was about to do, didn't feel right.

I wasn't sure if it was because I was used to have the boys behind all my decisions, and I was making this one alone; or if it was the fact that I never talked to Harry about it.

Harry was so important to me. His approval and trust was extremely meaningful, and not having it was almost empty. I felt stupid, proposing to my girlfriend while he was off in New York doing God-knows-what. Maybe a small part of me thought that if I did something huge, he would find out and come back.

It was like I needed him, and this was the way that I could get him back.

I shook my head. I'm about to propose to Eleanor, and all I can think about is Harry.

I walked straight out of the airport and hailed a cab, climbing into the back seat. I told the driver the address of Eleanor's building, and he took off. I stared out the window, running through my head the things I was going to say to her. All to quickly, we pulled up into the lot, and I was paying the cabby and getting out. All I had was 'Will you marry me?". Wow Louis. Creative.

I bit my lip and walked toward the doors. I caught the elevator and rode up to her floor. I found her door, and stood a few moments. I raised my hand and knocked. I heard her footsteps coming towards the door, and my palms became sweaty. It swung open.

"Louis?!" she gasped. I smiled wide, and opened my arms. She squealed and ran into them. I lifted her slightly and swung her around, setting her back down and pecking her lips. She smiled, and took my hand, leading me inside. We simultaneously flopped down on the couch, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my neck. We rested there for a few minutes, when I struck up a conversation.

"El? Have you been on twitter at all today?" I asked.

"No, I haven't yet, why?" She asked, turning her head up toward my face.

"Good, I wanted this to be a surprise," I said. I tilted her back off of me, and stood, turning around.

"What are you doing?" She laughed. Her smile quickly turned into a confused expression as I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring box. I got down on one knee, and her hand flew to her mouth.

"Louis.." She gasped.

"Eleanor, you are the most beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent, loving and honest girl I have ever met. You make me so happy. We go together like nobody I've ever met before, and you are perfect in every single way. I love you so much, and would love it so much if you would walk down the aisle to meet me." I was improvising. I didn't want it to be too long, so I wrapped it up.

"Eleanor Calder, will you marry me?"

She was blushing like mad, and at first didn't say anything, until finally she dropped her hands to her lap and smiled.

"Ya," she muttered. I slipped the ring on her finger, and hugged her, holding her close.

We flopped back down on the couch, and she held her hand out, observing the ring on her finger.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"I love it," She said. "I love you too."

I leaned in and kissed her. We both smiled into it, our lips moving in sync.

"Louis.." She whispered.

I whispered back, and she pulled away.

"What?" she asked, looking hurt.

I realized what I had said, and covered my mouth, shocked at myself.

"Why did you..?" she started.

"El, I'm sorry!! I don't know why I said that!" I blurted.

"What the hell?!" she yelled. "You propose to me and then 5 minutes later say something like that?! I can't believe this!"


"Get out!" She yelled. She was crying. "Get out!! I don't want to see you!!"

I stood.

"Listen to me!" I yelled back. "I didn't mean it, I'm just stressed out!!"

"You're stressed out?" She spat. "What the hell kind of excuse is that! Just leave!"

I walked toward the door, my head hung. I really screwed up. I opened it and exited. As I was walking down the hallway, I heard her open the door again.

"You forgot your ring you faggot!!" She yelled, and threw it.

I let it hit me.

Liam POV

I pulled into the airport, and parked. Harry's flight was exiting at gate 6. I walked in, and straight to the counter.

"How can I get to gate 6?" I asked the attendant.

"Walk that way and keep going until the first time you can turn left, then turn left and walk straight. The gates are all lined up until 1-12. Just go until you see gate 6."

"Thanks," I turned and followed her directions. While I walked, I thought about Harry. He needed help, but anyone with any sense knew that there was no way in hell Harry would actually agree to see a therapist. He was more stubborn than a mule, especially when it came to his personal business. So, we would have to somehow fix this ourselves. But, I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about his cuts. It felt like his life and well-being was in my hands. And Louis'.

That's really what he needed. Louis.

I was afraid that Louis was the only one who could pull him out of this hole he had dug himself into. Hole was an understatement. Trench was more like it.

That would be okay, except Harry wouldn't tell Louis anything. There was no way he could be helped if he kept himself closed up. I had to tell someone, even if it was against Harry's wishes.

I looked up and saw the sign for gate 6. I turned to see Harry coming towards me with a single suitcase, and a pink blanket in his hand. I choked up a little when I saw that he was snuggling up to his his/hers blanket. He slowly approached me, and I just let him fall into me. I wrapped my arms around him and my hands brushed over the padding of his bandage through his shirt.

"Harry.." I sighed.

He pulled away, and we walked in silence out to the car. The silence continued until we pulled back into my drive.

"They all really care about you Harry. Louis does too.."

"Liam, I don't want to talk," He muttered. I nodded.

"You may not want to, but you really should at some point," I said. "You have 4 friends here, all open to talking whenever you're ready."

"3," he said. I frowned. Before I could say anything else, he opened the door and walked up to my house.

I followed him, and knocked for him, Niall coming to open the door. Harry pushed passed him and straight upstairs. I shrugged.

"He didn't talk all the way home," I said softly. "Don't take it personally."

Niall looked hurt anyway and left for the kitchen, leaving me alone in my entryway. I set Harry's bag down and ran my hand over my head. I was positive that if I couldn't tell anyone soon, or that if I didn't, I would totally explode. I walked into the kitchen after Niall.

I could wait a little longer. For Harry.

AN: Sorry it's kind of short, but I really wanted to update at least a short one. I will let you know when the section of the Bromance awards I'm nominated for is up for votes. Then maybe you could vote for me? Thanks for reading! Vote, Comment, and Share!! Love you!!

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