Chapter 3

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Hey! I'm home sick, so I'm updating! This book might not be all that long, I have it planned to be about 20 chapters or so, but I might either condense it or make it a bit longer. It just depends on how it works out!! Anyways, on to the chapter!! HARRY'S POV!!

... the last thing I saw was Louis' face, confused, hurt, and wide eyed, before I was launched into the bright light...

I paused when I was launched up, allowing my eyes to adjust to the bright light. The stadium was completely packed. Every where you looked was full of screaming girls, holding signs and yelling out our names. Niall, Liam and Zayn immediately ran to the front of the stage, high fiving the lucky girls who were front row. Louis and I stayed standing at the back. I wasn't moving a muscle. The hopeless sad and desperate look on Louis face was lodged into my mind. I couldn't see any of the fans, I couldn't react. Liam walked over to me, and looked me in the eyes. It was almost as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. But, then he just whispered.

"I know something's wrong, I don't know what, and I won't push you. When you want to tell, I'm here. But, me, the rest of the boys, and every girl in here, we all need you to sing. We need Harry. We need the charming, curly headed lad, that stole the hearts of so many girls all over the world. Maybe you should give them something to talk about. They are so worried about you. They think you're depressed, they're afraid something is going no."

"And, what do you suggest then?" I said, bitterly. As soon as the words left my mouth, I wanted to take them back. Or at least the tone I said it in. He looked so taken aback.

I started to protest and apologize, but Liam cut me off.

"Larry," he stated blankly.

My eyes went wide. All, I needed was Larry moments right now. I was in pain from having cut, and stressed from having to deal with the pressure of loving Louis, and concealing it. To basically force me to act so close to him was cruelty. But I had snapped at him, so I complied.

"Fine," I hissed, and walked over to Louis. He was still confused and hurt, I could tell by the look on his face as I approached him.

"Lou.." I started. He looked at me, frowned and turned. I caught his shoulder. "I'm sorry!" I said. "I was such an ass backstage. I was upset and I didn't want to see anyone. I would have reacted the same if it were anyone else." Way to go Harry. Lie to him.

"It's okay Haz," he smiled softly. "How bout we give these girls some good old fashioned Larry!"

"Why not?" I laughed out, weakly. He had bought my lie, and I felt terrible.

"Good evening Paris!!!!" Liam yelled. I leaned over and whispered in Louis' ear.

"Laugh really loud so they think I told you a hilarious joke."

Louis spontaneously burst into laughter, and smiled at me, walking away. We heard an eruption of screams. I smiled back, and turned around, my smile fading. It hurt so bad, how it was so easy to laugh with him, but so easy to want to cry spending time with him. Everything he did made me ache.

The concert went on, and we continued the Larry moments. Making unbroken eye contact, poking each other. The fans loved every second. We were singing Little Things, when Louis' solo came up.

"You can't go to bed, without a cup of tea, and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep, and all those conversations are the secrets that I keep, though it makes no sense to me." He sang, looking straight at me.

Straight at me.

His eyes were shining blue, he looked so perfect. The light beam was hitting him spot on, and the way his face was turned it made his skin glow. He looked like an angel. I was speechless, and I couldn't utter a single word. I just stood up, and ran off the stage. I didn't look back. I couldn't, or else everyone would have seen the tears welling up in my eyes.



I watched in horror, as Harry ran off stage.

I don't know what's going on with him. He said he missed his mum, but I don't think that's what it was. What it is. Something is bothering him, and I said I wouldn't push him. So I won't, but I really hope he tells me soon. Management will not appreciate him running off stage.

"Hey guys! Sorry about that, I think Harry must have a stomach bug! I'm just gonna go check on him, and while I'm gone, Niall, Zayn, and Louis will answer some of your twitter questions!" I said into my mic, and jogged off stage.

When, I was behind the curtain, I broke into a full run. I was afraid. Something was wrong, I could feel it.

I almost ran straight into Lou Teasdale.

"Lou! Has Harry run past here?" I asked, huffing.

"Yeah, he ran past, said something about being sick."

"Shit," I cursed. "What direction did he go?"

She pointed down the hallway to the left. I immediately took off, not saying another word to her as her figure shrunk behind me. I had almost reached the end of the hall when I heard it.

A faint scream.

It was coming from a side room at the end of the hall. The choreographer's studio. I ran and burst through the door. What I saw in front of me, made my heart shatter.

Harry was in the middle of the room, facing away from me. He had laid himself down on the ground, and was curled in a ball. He had his hands over his face, and he was shaking from the sobs. I could see his face in the mirror reflection from across the room. His cheeks and eyes were red and puffy, and his hair was a mess. He had been tugging on it.

I waited no longer to run to his side. I crouched down and sat him up, leaning his head into my neck. He took his hands away from his face, and gripped onto my shirt. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close as he broke down on my lap. He yelled, cried, panted, sobbed. I shed tears listening to him. I had no idea what had made him so broken, but whatever it was, he was no longer the Harry I knew. He had no life in him. It had been that way for at least half a year. I didn't really know what the trigger was for this unhappiness, but as he sniffled, the last of his tears falling, I silently hoped he would tell me what it was, so I could help him.

When it was quiet, I decided to whisper.


That's all I said. I knew that when Louis called him that, it comforted him. But apparently coming from someone else's mouth, it didn't have the same effect. He looked up at me, his eyes wide and hurt.


That's all he said to me. It took me a minute, but it clicked.

Louis was the reason.

"You love him," I breathed.

"He can never know Liam you must promise me you'll never tell him or anyone. I'm trying so hard to get over him. It was on stage that I found out I loved him. That's why I couldn't stay. It was like that moment all over again, and I feel like I'm going to  be put back at square one if I have to watch him like that again." He said, obviously aching.

I looked into his eyes.

"I promise."

That was something that would be hard to hold on to.

An: So that was a short chapter but hey its an update. I won't be putting anymore up for a bit. I really don't feel well, so I'm probably going to take a nap. :( Hope you enjoyed anyway!


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