Chapter 14

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Niall POV

Liam was to my right, Zayn to my left. Liam had left Louis alone after taking him to visit Harry. I wasn't so sure it was a good idea, Zayn was skeptical aswell, but, Liam seemed to be sure that Louis wouldnt do anything irrational.

I didnt blame him for freaking out. We basically told him that Harry tried to kill himself because of what Louis said, and it was probably heart shattering. It wasnt as bad as it would have been had we told him the real reason Harry had started cutting. It wasn't because of the fans, or the fact that he was gay. I partially felt awful not telling him Harry was in love with him. It's kind of an important detail in the story. We all knew keeping it from him was the best option, even if it wasn't ideal.

I rubbed my temples simultaneously with my fingers, thinking deeply about our situation. I felt like I was in a movie or a book or something. These things were part of a fictional reality. They weren't actually supposed to happen. It was still so hard to grasp, the idea of my best mate self harming. Attempting suicide.

Man that's a strong word.

Suicide; the act of killing oneself.

Geez, it was crazy.

I looked up just in time to see Louis running full tilt toward us, and the three of us stood up, entirely prepared to stop him, figuring he was having another episode. But instead of trying to break through us, he laughed and wrapped his arms around all of us. We were extremely puzzled.

"Lou.." I started but I was interrupted by his laughter.

"He's ALIVE!! He's AWAKE!!!" He yelled, then burst out laughing. I smiled so wide, then turned toward Liam. We looked at each other for a second, goony grins plastered on our faces. Liam wrapped his arms around me tight, and I felt my feet leave the floor. He spun me around laughing. Zayn and Louis were hugging so tight.

"It was him Zaynie!!" Louis said happily.

"What are you talking about Lou?" Zayn asked.

"I said his name! It's Harry!!" He said and ran off to where he came from. Zayn's eyes opened really wide. Then he burst out laughing.

"I should have known!!" He yelled happily. Then he took off. Liam and I were left standing alone.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked.

"Who the hell cares?!" Liam said excitedly. "HARRY'S AWAKE!!"

He grabbed my hand and the two of us took off running too.

Liam POV

I ran with Niall's hand in mine straight to the stairs. Last time, the elevator did us justice, but this time we didn't want to stop moving. It wasn't about getting there faster, in fact in the moments on the stairs I didn't really give a damn about anything. Harry was awake and it was a wonderful feeling.

We burst into Harry's room. He was laying with his eyes closed, and Louis was stroking his hair softly, one of his hands connected with Harry's. All I wanted to do was run over and hug him, but Zayn whispered that he had fallen asleep while Louis was gone. We all went over and sat down surrounding Harry.

"He opened his eyes when I was in here before," Louis cooed, his hand still in Harry's curls. "Then he closed them while I hugged him. He didn't have the strength to say anything. I think he didn't know where he was, or remember what happened, because he kind of looked panicked. His eyes were quite wide, but then I touched his forehead and he calmed down. Like he recognized me. He should have, he saw me. Then, once I left he fell asleep, but he's breathing on his own and his heart rate is back to normal. He's just tired."

We all nodded.

"The nurse came in and talked to me and Zayn, and said he wouldn't wake for a while. I'm going to stay here, so if you all want, you can go home and rest."

"We'll do that!" Zayn interjected. I almost protested, but he glared at me, and I got the hint that he wanted to talk.

Niall, Zayn and I all stood, and we left a smiling Louis alone with Harry.

We were part way down the hall when I spoke.

"I wanted to be there when he.."

Zayn interrupted.

"Louis loves him back!!" He smiled. Niall and I both gave him a confused look.

"What?" Niall said bluntly.

"Eleanor didn't say no!!" He said excitedly. "She said yes and then they were kissing and Louis said Harry's name instead of Eleanor's!"

"Wait wait wait," I said. "They're both in love with the other, but neither of them realize it's mutual?"

"Exactly!" Zayn laughed.

"Well then the solution is easy! We go.." Niall said.

"Dont!" I said. "Let them figure it out. It's their love and their relationship. Let them find each other!"

The two of them nodded in agreement.

"Let's leave the anonymous love birds be then. Who wants food?" I said.

Harry POV

I could hear my breathing. It was a relief to be breathing again, but I was terrified to open my eyes.

Louis was sitting next to me. I'd recognize his hands anywhere. The way he put his hand through my curls was so familiar. I never wanted him to stop. But it did, and I panicked. It woke me from my trance, and I sat straight up, my eyes flying open.

"LOUIS!!! LOUIS!!!" I yelled. I reached out helplessly for him.

I felt his hands touch mine.

"Harry, I'm right here!" He said, calmly. "Harry look at me!"

"Where are you?! What the hell is going on?!" I said quickly.

"I'm right..." Louis trailed off. We both came to the realization at the same time.

"Louis..." I said quietly.

"No Harry," he whimpered.

"Louis, I can't see."

AN: Whoop!! Update!! Its short but deep and unfortunate...

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