Chapter 11

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AN: So guys, CCHR didn't make it past the first voting round, but that's okay!! I have gotten so much more success on this book than I could ever ask for, and I love you guys so much!! Thank you for all the success!
Dedications will be coming next chapter, because I left my list in my locker ;) Enjoy!!

Niall POV

I fell to my knees next to Liam.
He was gone. It was so hard for it to sink in, and staring at his mangled body, it still hadn't.

How could we have not noticed?

How could we have not seen?

How could we have ignored signs and let him slip away?

It was partially our fault Harry was laying dead in front of us. He had fallen over the edge, and none of us were prepared to catch him.

Tears fell freely from my eyes, and I didn't dare look at Liam.

If he would have told us...

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head, I guess in a feeble attempt to get rid of them. I couldn't blame Liam. That wouldn't have been fair. He was only doing what he thought was best for Harry. But in the end, well, the end happened.

I slowly ran my hand along Harry's stomach, gently tracing the scars. I shivered when my hand came in contact with the still warm blood slowly hardening in the fresh cuts.

That was the first clue I missed.

The second?

The way my hand slowly rose and fell, me putting no effort into the movement.

I overlooked it all, sitting there crying with Liam. I lifted my hand, and grabbed onto Liam's bloodstained one, gripping it. I buried my face into his shoulder, and continued crying. We stayed there for a minute.

We heard the familiar alarm of the ambulance racing towards the flat, and all it did was remind me.

Harry was dead.

Liam's crying stopped for a second. I halted mine too.

"Do you.." He hiccuped.

I nodded. I didn't need him to finish, I heard it too.

Not the ambulance.

It was more of a wheezing. Liam looked at me, almost as if he thought it was coming from me.

"S'not me," I whispered.

Both of us were taken aback by a desperate cough, that rattled our brains and sent a shot of excitement and hope through our spines.

Harry was coughing. He was alive.

"Harry?!" Liam yelled.

I wasted no time, I stood, and thinking quickly ran to the kitchen. I grabbed a rolling pin, and took it back to the bathroom. I smashed the mirror, glass flying everywhere.

"WHAT THE FUCK NIALL?!" Liam yelled at me.

"THEY'LL LOCK HIM UP!!" I yelled back, then ran out the flat and to the ambulance that had finally arrived.


The paramedics rushed around me, and ran up to the house, me chasing after them. I felt extremely vulnerable. It was odd, I never lied. But then again, I've never had anything so serious to hide.

Liam was yelling from the bathroom, and I led the paramedics to Harry, silently whispering 'C'mon Harry.'

They burst into Liam's horrified yet hopeful face. Instantly, they were by Harry's side, strapping on an oxygen mask and wrapping his wrist. They counted, and lifted him onto the stretcher, pressuring his wounds. They carried him out, Liam and I following.

They ushered us into the ambulance, and I turned around. I looked back at the drops of Harry's blood that made a trail from the front door to where I was standing.

The doors closed, the siren blared, and we drove off. The only thing we could do was hope.

AN: Heyy!!! So its short, but I got so many death threats and protests that I figured I would update again!! No, of course I didn't kill Harry... I wouldn't kill my Haz. But, there are still many surprises, cliff-hangers and good things coming!! Hope you're enjoying!

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