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Chapter 5

The Date

I stepped in the shower. Fucking cold. I'm gonna yell at my mom to get the damn heater fixed.

While I was in that shower. I thought...why am I having this sudden change in personality? And why am I getting so turned on by Belle. God.

I'm getting more arrogant by the second...i need to control that. Yah control, fuck control.

I got out, dried off...and wondered what to wear.

So many options. Endless possibilities. So many fucking choices!! This is why i don't like to dress

So damn hard.

I'm imagining her in my head. Me stroking her hair. Look straight into her eyes. Feeling as though...SHIT!

God I'm getting too amused.

I finally decide on jeans, with a white button downed shirt, with the first two buttons, unbuttoned...wow I look sexy. I then decided I would put on a black coat, that I wore with my tux.

I then sprayed a few whiffs of Cologne and I was off.

I drive a black Mercedes. I don't know how I can afford this but at least I have it.

I pull right up to her house.


My phone rang.

It was Belle.

"Come in the house, for a sec" she said.

What? Oh please tell me her dad doesn't want to talk to me...before this.

I knocked.

The door was being unlocked.

"Hello, Young Man" Said a tall Man.

Her Dad.

"Hi Sir" I said.

"I thankyou for taking my daughter out. She is very excited." He said.


Walking down the stairs I looked up.

My oh my. She is beautiful.

"Hello Joey" she said. Her beautiful eyes sparkled.

"Hi Belle," I smiled.

She smiled back.

"Well you better be going" her dad said with a grin.

"Bye Sir, and thankyou for letting me in your home."

"Anytime...see you" he said. And me and Belle exited the door.

"Hi Love" she said. With a smirk. May I add.

"Well hello, Belle" I said.

I helped her down the stairs, holding her hand as she came down. Her hands were cold...she was beautiful in all ways possible.

I opened the car door.

"Thankyou" She said.

"No problem" I said.

And then my absolutely wondrous life just got a bit more wonderful.

"I've been wondering why exactly you call me love, and we hardly just met" I said.

" You don't like it?" She said with a smirk.

"No, I love it, but...well nevermind." I said. She smirked and leaned her head against the window.

"Your very beautiful Joey" she said.

"I'm not beautiful, that's you" I said.

She smiled at me. I smiled while looking at the road. We stared out our windows most of the time.

Till we got there.

I then helped her out.

"Here" as I pulled her hand to helped her get out.

It wasn't really necessary, but I like it. She was wearing a black dress that kind of ruffled at the end. Not to far down, but just enough.

She wasn't wearing to much makeup. I like that. She's not self conscious who is good.

We walked in. We handed the...what do they call the movie theater guys. Eh, I don't care. Well we handed him our tickets.

We made our way to the theater. There were menus at our seat.

"So what would you like?" I said.

"Hmm I'm not sure...What do you think, my love?" She said.

My love. What a beautiful name.

"I don't know, I'm not that hungry... I will proably just get this salad." I said. I'm very fond of salads. I wouldn't get one, if I really wasn't hungry, though.

"Excellent Choice. I will have the same thing." She said.

" You sure?"


Wow, she's amazing. Great mouths taste alike. Well, wait. Uh. Nevermind.

"Hello, What can I get you?" our waiter, Chris said.

I'm very fond at looking at name tags. I don't like calling people just waiter, or teacher...or whatever the hell you're thinking of.

"We both want your house salad" I said.

"Great, any drinks?" He said.

"We will both just have cokes, thanks." She said.

Cokes. Very romantic.

"You like coke I assume." She said.

"Yes, Yes I do." I responded.

The movie was starting. She looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back. She's wonderful.

The movie was ok. I think she liked it judging by her facial expressions.

She grabbed my hand. And we held it there interlocking, until she starting crying.

I wasn't even paying attention to the movie, just her and my food too I guess.

When she started crying I rubbed my thumb around the back of her hand. And she leaned on my shoulder. This was perfect.

The movie was done and she got up, water still filled in her eyes. We left.

"Thankyou" she said as we pulled up to her house. She look at me a moment like she was gonna say something.

But instead she did the unexpected.

She kissed me. And I kissed her back.

14 seconds. Wow. What an amazing kiss.

Her lips are amazing. Everything about her is amazing. She makes me feel happy. As I broke it away. Needing some breath.

She said, "I liked that last part, maybe we can do it again some time. Call me, my love."

Ha! Beautiful.

Joey and BelleWhere stories live. Discover now