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~Joeys Point of View~

I walk down to the kitchen scratching my head, its 1:43 AM. I slowly open up the refrigerator and take out a bottle of whiskey and jug it. I've never actually had alchohol before.

When im done jugging, i fall on the floor and lay there with nothing to think about, but belle. My glorious Belle.

I drift off to sleep, after mourning over Belle for an hour or so.

"JOEY!" My mom called out to me. Kicking me once.

I scratch my eyes and then open them.

"Joey, did you drink my whiskey last night?!" My mom said with a stern look.

I roll over and think. OW! I cant think my head fucking hurts.

"Yes I drank your whiskey" I said

"Why the Hell would you do that?" she said trying to pull me up.

I didnt respond for a while...then after about 2 minutes of just staring. I started tearing up.

"Belle" I whispered to my mom, and then I got up and went to my bedroom.

We were dating for 2 months...why did she have to end it last night, we were great...what did I do wrong. I start crying into my pillow. I loved her...I loved her.

~Belle's Point of view~

I wipe the tears from my eyes. I have been crying all night, and Im finally starting to calm down. My worst nightmares have realized. Joey is gone. Joey is not mine any more. And its all because of....



The name its so dreadful. Its a jackass sort of name.

I dont want to answer but I know I dont really have a choice.

"Hello" I whispered into the phone, trying not to sound to sad.

"Hi My Love.." Max responded with an obvious grin. "How was it last night, did you break up with him?"

I didnt respond for a while then i whispered "Yes"

"OH Fantastic!" He said.

"I knew you could do it" he cheered. That dick. "Now we are getting together tonight, I will pick you up at 8..sounds good? Well of course it does, bye now" He said, and hung up.

No it doesnt fucking sound good. That dick is not going to take me out.

"NO" i scream into my pillow.

10 hours later


The doorbell rang. It was Max.

I walked down stairs with regret on my face.

"Dad" I said, "Im Leaving."

"Bye honey" he said with an obvious sad expression too.

I stared in front of the door, thinking of how sick I am of him. I opened it finally.

"Hello, my love" he said while holding out a small tulip. I dont like tulips, I like roses.

I took the tulip and whispered thanks. Then he gripped my hand as we left to his car. I get into his car and i can smell tabacco. Gross.

He takes out a small package of cigarettes, and takes one...then he lights it, and offers me one.

"No thanks" I said.

"Suit your self" he mumbled.

He kept looking at me, the entire time and i didnt even know where we were going.

He looked at me, and looked. Then finally i started crying a little. Asking my self where is joey.

"Oh Give it up!" He yelled. "You werent gonna be with Joey that long anyway! Besides your with me now"

I cried harder and he just looked at me and started driving releasing sighs and mad expressions along the way.

We got to a small sports bar. Why the fuck?

"Get out" He said as we pulled into the parking space, i was still recovcering from all my tears.

We walked up, and he gripped my hand. We walked in, and the entire bar was filled with drunk men. Why would he take me here? As we walked some of the guys slapped my butt. This is gross.

We sat down at a hightop and I just looked at my shoes.

"What do you want?" He said looking straight at me.

"Im fine" I said.

"Well you're going to eat something" He said with a harsh look he was obviously angry.

The waiter, a girl with a very short and tight dress on..came up and asked what we want.

"Get us two beers, and fries, and just two mozzarella stick orders." He said.

"Alright" The waiter said.

I was still staring at my shoes and all I could think about was Joey and how beautiful he was. And how he would never do this to me. No, he would never do this to me.

He kept going on about how i should stop being such a bitch. Gosh...I hate him.

They brang us our food, and i didnt eat...or drink.

"Eat" he said.

"Im not hungry" I whispered.

"Stop mourning on this Joey shit, you knew it was coming." He said. "Now eat up and stop being a bitch."

I ate 2 of my mozzarella sticks, he paid and then we left.

"Well that was a fucking waste of money." He said while looking at me. "I tried to do something nice, and this is how you fucking repay me? Fuck you, you little bitch"

We drove for a while. I didnt recognize the way we were going. We werent going to my house...what.

"Where are we going" I asked him intensely

He didnt respond. We drove up to a small house, that looked un-inahabbited.

He got out of the car. And then opened my door and pulled me up and walked into the house.

I tried to fight it. Every ounce of me tried to stop him..but he was to strong. He held my mouth so I couldnt scream.

He walked in and through me on the small matress, he got on top of me and started kissing me refusely. He then slid his hand under my shirt and started kissing there.

"STOP!" I yelled trying to squirm away.

He then took my shirt off, and kissing me all the way throughout my body.

I ached in pain.

This can not be happening.


I was a virgin

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