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I cant believe Sam would do something like that. That Bastard! How could he just come up to us and hit her? Why not me? Im not done with him.

Im take his bottom lip, then pull it over his head. Then im going to punch him in the crotch till he cant produce babies. The Im going to Jam his fucking head into a wall, as many times as I want. Sounds Fun, right?

Well It will be for me.


I wake up...I fucking hate Wednesdays. They are so boring and tiring...but im very excited to see Belle. Im seeing her tonight, Im going to have dinner with her parents, which is a little early for me since, we've only been dating for a couple days, but to be fair she met my mom...and she insisted.

I decide to take a shower before I leave. I wash well. While im in there I think about Belle, and how beautiful she is. Her long hair, that is the perfect shadeof brown. Shes so beautiful. 

I finish washing, and get out of the shower...where I take the towel and dry off.

Now the hard part, what to wear.

I decide to wear a blue button down that is kind of silky, with jeans...because i dont think its to formal.

I spray a few whifs of cologne and i head down stairs.

Knock Knock Knock

..."MOM, someones at the door" I called.

Oh yah, my mom went to the grocery store.

I looked out our little peep hole.

Knock Knock Knock.

Its policemen, what?

I opened the door.

"Hello Sir." One of the police officers said, with a grimacing look.

"Hello, why are you here" I said.

"It would be nice if you would let us in, We need to inform you of something." The other one said.

I let them come in, and why we were on our way to the living room i thought.

Why would they come all the way to my house just to infor me of something. And why would they come when my moms not here. I should tell them that.

"You know, you might want to wait until my mom gets home." I said

They excahnged looks.

 One was african-american he had no hair, and a little beard thing. The other was pretty tall, he was kinda scary. I read on their name tags

Officer Fredrick

Officer Johnson

Well, That must be there name.

"My dear Joey, we have to tell you something." O. Fredrick said.

He had a very deep voice.

"Hoe do you know my name? And why arent you waiting for my mom?" I said.

I was nervous.

What are they going to tell me?

"We dont have to wait for you're mom." O. Fredrick said.

But why. I mean if it concerns me it should concern her.

"Your mom...is dead"

Joey and BelleWhere stories live. Discover now