Chapter 1.

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I'm really nervous that you guys won't like this. oh well why not.



••sams pov••

The familiar feeling of fear shook through my body as I tried to run. But of course knowing my luck I tripped. I quickly tried to get up when I was pulled up by my hair.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU LITTLE BITCH... I just want to love you. you can't run from me. " he said with a nightmarish smile creeping onto his face. I kneed him in the crotch and he fell to the ground with a grunt.

I tried to run again but I soon realized that it was no good because I was stuck against the wall. I closed my eyes as he got back up.

"YOU BITCH" he spat at me. I soon felt a all too familiar stinging sensation on my cheek.


This is my life. I have an alcoholic and abusive boyfriend that I have to live with, his name is Dylan. Why do I have to live with him you ask? I had no parents, I had to watch them die right in front of my eyes. That's a long story but I'll explain it later on.

" go to the bathroom, brush your teeth and get in the car. You are late for school you worthless piece of crap." he growled while his words were slurred, shoving me in the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and then pulled out a razor. I made another small cut on my arm out the many I already had. once I wiped the blood off my arm I pulled down my sleeve and ran out the bathroom towards the car so I didn't get in trouble by Dylan.

The car ride was silent. It was my senior year and today was my last day of school. Once we reached jail er- school he unlocked the door and mutter a 'get out.' I walked towards my locker and when I tried to put my combination in it was blocked by the one and only harry styles, mr. Popular, my bully, whatever you want to call him.

"Please move" I said trying to sound confident.

"Ooo hoe has some feistiness. I don't appreciate it." He said smirking and his group of jocks behind him smirked too. Along with the fake blonde bimbos that followed them around.

He slammed me into the wall. I grunted and started to shrink down. He grabbed my shirt and shoved me into a room. I looked around to see where I was I noticed I was in the girls faculty bathroom. once I turned to try to wm out the door was slammed in my face. I heard a locking noise. SHIT. My small fists started pounding on the door.


"no can do slut. Sorry. " I heard footsteps walking away.

I continued to pound for hours. The bell had rung about 6 times, so I know that I missed all of my classes.

I gained some courage and started pounding again. The door opened and I accidentally hit the person in the face. I saw it was a janitor.

"I'm so sorry!!" I yelled running out of the school. The busses were gone.

"Shit." I muttered.

Great. Just great. Now I have to walk home. Dylan never came to pick me up. He was always too busy out partying, getting drunk.

I started on my way home. When I was halfway home I felt someone walking behind me but when I turned there was no one.

I quickened my pace and I heard the footsteps quicken too. I turned around again

only to come face to face with the one and only..

Harry styles.

"Why are you following me. Why aren't you with one of your bimbos " I questioned having some actual confidence for some reason.

"Shut up bitch" harry said grabbing my wrists. I winced because of the fresh cut I had made this morning. My sleeve had slid down a bit and it was enough to see the scars and the newest cut.

His eyes widened. And he let go of one of my wrists to slide my sleeve all the way up. I struggled to try and get my wrist free but he wouldn't budge.

"..what is this" harry questioned softly

"Leave me alone harry"I muttered

"What is this!" harry said louder

"N-nothing please let me go!" I said desperately, swallowing the lump in my throat that was starting to form.

"why do you do this to yourself.." harry said looking up from my wrists.

"I.. Idk" i said my voice becoming weak.

" this because of me..?" harry said his voice cracking.

"Not just you...why do you even care." I said in disgust pulling my wrist out of his grip. He grabbed my wrist again but softly. This time I didn't pull away for some reason.

He caught me off guard by kissing them. I took in a sharp breath realizing he was crying when I felt a wet substance hit my arm.

"If it's not just me then what else is it?" he questioned me again.

"Why should I tell you? so you can go tell your little group. So you can use it against me?"

"No I want to know. I promise Sammi. Please tell me. " He begged. I searched his eyes and I could tell he was serious.

So right then and there I told him everything. Even how I was in a car, how it was my parents and I in the car. How we fell off a bridge and fell into a lake. As the car drowned with my parents inside somehow I was saved. I was too little remember them but it was the ambulance. They brought me back to life but they couldn't get my parents too. It haunts me almost every night. I even told him about Dylan hurting me.

By the end of my story harry had tears in his eyes. He wrapped me in a hug but I didn't hug him back. He could be a really good actor for all I know.

"I'm so sorry." harry mumbled barely audible.

I was going to forgive him when all the voices in my head told me not to, listening to them I pushed him away harshly.

"I don't want your pity. I still don't trust you harry. Just leave me alone. " I said, i didn't know what to do so I just ran. He had cause me too much pain to just forgive him.

Once I reached Dylan's house i reached for the doorknob but the door flung open and before I could register what was happening my back hit one of the brick walls on the patio.

"YOU LITTLE CHEATER!! I WANT YOU GONE WITH ALL OF YOUR STUFF IN TEN MINUTES!! DONT EVEN ARGUE OR I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!" Dylan shouted at me. I could almost taste the alcohol because his breathe smelled so strong of it.

He was drunk but I knew he wasn't kidding. Plus he was nice at all when he was drunk and I didn't want to upset him. He dragged my by my hair all the way up the stairs and threw me into my room. " 10 minutes" he spat kicking my side as I laid on the ground.

I struggled to get up but I gathered as much strength as I could and stood up gathering all my stuff. It took me only 5 minutes because I don't have much. I grabbed a pillow and blanket also. I threw my bag over my shoulder and ran down the stairs, out the door.

I ran out the door all the way to the park. When I got there I sat down on the bench. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt water droplets landing on my legs. I buried my head in my hands and just sobbed. For everything that has happened.


My parents.


Everything. I felt tiredness wash over my body and laid down covering my self with the blanket and fell to sleep.


Long chapter. Do you guys like it?? I'm really nervous that you guys won't like it but the worst that can happen is I get 0 reads, votes and comments..

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