Chapter 7

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They both pulled away and stared at each other and then kissed again this time they both put more force into and they turned towards each other as they felt Aries stir they both pulled away and Aries looked up at them both.

"Are we going home daddy?"

"yes we are... are you tired?" Christopher asked her with a huge smile.

"Yes." She moved away from him and went towards Rosemary and buried herself in her hair.

Rosemary smiled down at her and Christopher couldn't help but staring and smiling at them. A few moments later they reached the house and Christopher walked out of the limo and opened the door for them. He took Aries and put her on his shoulder and then grabbed Rosemary's hand.

They made it upstairs and Rosemary put Aries into her pajamas and into bed. She took a little longer than usual because she was nervous. Come to find out it was unnecessary because when she walked out Christopher was nowhere to be seen. She walked down to the kitchen and made some tea and sat on the back patio staring out past the pool into the woods. She loved looking at the woods especially at night with all the stars shinning down.

Christopher was upstairs pacing. "Why am I hiding I should be down there... I look like a...."

Christopher took a deep breath and walked down and found Rosemary asleep on the back patio chairs. He sighed and picked her up and took her into her bedroom where he pulled the covers back and laid her down pulling the covers over her. He kissed her softly on the forehead and when he pulled away he found Rosemary staring at him.

"I guess I am caught?" he smiled at her.

"I guess you did..." she sat up a little smiling and he sat on the edge of the bed.

"I don't think I have ever felt awkward around you Rosemary." Christopher laughed playing with the back of his hair.

"Yeah same here." she laughed.

He pulled her to him and kissed her softly. "is that better."

Rosemary smiled "A little." He kissed her again and held her a little longer this time. "wait... Christopher maybe we shouldn't..."

Christopher kissed her more deeply and laid her down on the bed and then laid on top of her. "If you want to stop just say the word." He said kissing down her neck.

"It's just I'm a virgin..." she looked embarrassed.

"Oh God I think you just made the impossible happen by getting more amazing." He smiled and kissed her again.

Rosemary kissed him back and pulled him closer to herself and felt herself get lost in him.

Christopher woke up a few hours later and was in Rosemary's room with her laying across her chest and immediately he felt so many emotions he felt lost. He was happy to have her in his arms, he felt happy for Arabella and he felt guilty for Arabelle and then he felt disappointed in himself for letting it happen. She stirred and he couldn't deal with it he slipped out of the bed and walked into his room making sure she didn't wake up.

When morning came he couldn't face her he didn't know how to and so he just sat in his room. He could hear everything going on and when there was silence he figured Rosemary put Arabella down for her nap and would be taking one herself. He came out of the room and walked into the kitchen where he found her sitting on the bar eating some mango.

She looked up and looked disappointed. She picked up her mango threw it away washed the dishes and went to walk away when he grabbed her arm.


"Look if you regretted it fine but you didn't have to avoid me all day and make me feel like crap." She pulled her arm away and just when he was going to talk the doorbell rang.

"Excuse me sir."

"Rosemary please don't cal..."

Ding. Dong.

"Excuse me sir."

She walked towards the door and when she opened it Kevin walked in and pulled her into a hug. "Hello beautiful how are you doing?" Christopher couldn't help and realize that, that is the way they should have woken up this morning but he was a complete ass to her.

"I am doing good and you... your brother is in the kitchen."

She walked him towards the kitchen when he pulled her to a stop. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine..." she smiled but it didn't touch her eyes.

"That ass did something to you right?" Kevin sounded angry.

"No" she faked a laughed "come on he is in the kitchen."

They walked in and you could cut the tension with a knife. Rosemary got ready preparing lunch when Kevin took Christopher outside.

"What the hell did you do to her?"

"What are you talking about?" Christopher was annoyed who said he was in charge of her.

"She was hanging of your arm yesterday and now she can't and won't look you in the eye."

"Look I need you to leave because I need to talk to her and fix some things."

"No she doesn't even want to look at you."

"Don't make me kick you out Kevin please."


Later that Christopher walked into Rosemary in the hallway and she tried to go around him but he placed a hand on her arm.

"Rosemary can we talk?"

"Christopher I am so tired l just... I am an idiot that was the problem... I knew..."

he pulled her and kissed her.

"You're not an idiot, I am, I got scared okay..."

"Okay." She smiled wide at him.

"Just give me some time is that okay with you?"

"Take all the time you need..." Rosemary smiled and walked into the restroom to finish taking Arabella a bath. 

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