Chapter 15

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They heard a clap and all turned to the door. "Enough tears! She is not dying she is marrying a good man who loves her and will take of her and she will always be our little girl and your sister." Rosemary smiled and hugged her kids and took Aries in her arms and held her. "But the mom... the mom can cry..." she smiled wiping tears. "Aries I love you and thank you for letting me be your momma... I learned so much from you and I gained so much from you. Even when your dad was to stubborn to fight for me, you did and made sure that we found each other in the end." 

"No Rosemary, no mommy it is me who has to thank you. You came into my life and made sure that not one time did I feel that I had no mother. You made sure that I had a mother's love from the moment that I was born. You loved me and thought and cared for me and you filled a void that would have been impossible to fill. You gave my dad his happiness back and you gave me an incredible brother and sister, then waited a long while and then surprised me with our Lily she is perfection and she is the best part out of all of us. You made sure your kids loved my mom as much as I did and I have to thank you for that because that could have made us different me and them but you made sure that even in that we were the same. You gave me a family even before you were with my dad and that Mrs. Blake has no words for the gratitude that I feel and the love that I have and will always feel for you."

Both of them were in tears and hugged as everyone else joined in the hug. Lilybeth jumped from Chris arms into Christophers kissing her dads cheek over and over while giggling. 


As Rosemary stood at the edge of the dance floor watching Aries dance with her new husband, Chris with his wife with Lilybeth standing between with his twins in their arms, and Rose with her one day will be husband she couldn't help the tear that slipped down her cheek.

"We've had a good life my sweet Rosemary..."

"It has been, hasn't it Christopher." She leaned into his arms and smiled.

"Thank you Rosemary for my kids, for my family, for my happiness. Thank you for Lilybeth which  know was hooking to us all." he laughed watching his little girl that shoocked everyone when Rosemary found out she was pregnant 3 years ago. 

She smiled at him "thank you for letting me in and making our family possible giving me such beautiful daughters and such a handsome son." She stood on her tip toes and kissed him.

"We did good." She smiled looking at their kids. "We did very good." She leaned back on him and smiled watching them all dance and smile and joke around with each other. She looked up at the sky and smiled thinking 'Thank you Arabella for giving me such a beautiful daughter.'

Rosemary laughed as Christopher Swung her on to the dance floor to dance with their children who were all grown up and dancing with their own little families Lilybeth running around between them all loving the attention that was always given to her by them.

It didn't matter what life would throw at them there was love, there was laughter and there was family and they could handle anything together. Love can heal all, if you are willing to let it and no matter how dark it may seem there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. One chapter ending just means the beginning of another. Love and happiness are just around the corner you just have to make it past the darkness. A light is brighter in the darkness, no matter how bad it seems that's as good as it will be eventually.


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