Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

<Sakura's POV>

I woke up with a headache and no recollection of my memories from the previous night. I brushed the thought and decided to get breakfast.

It was still 5 am and it seemed that no one was awake yet. The house was so quiet and was unbelievable that 9 people lived here. I went on my way to the kitchen and found Sasori sitting on the dining table, reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Good morning Sasori. Why are you up so early?" I asked and yawned

"The same goes for you Sak. Something bothering you?" He replied, without averting his eyes from reading his paper.

"I was just wondering how I got home. I couldn't remember anything and when I woke up, I had a raging headache." Sasori finally took his eyes off his paper to look at me.

"Sasuke took you home but you were already asleep when you arrived. Did you drink? If so, that may be the reason behind your headache." I massaged my temples as I processed what Sasori had just said.

"Wow Sasori, slow down, it's too early and no, I didn't drink. I rarely drink because I have an allergic reaction to alcohol." I said but his eyes were back to his paper.

"Hn. If the pain persists, the medicine is on the second drawer to the left."

"Okay" I replied and slumped on my seat.

An awkward silence filled the room and it was really uncomfortable, and it felt as if he was avoiding me.

"Sasori, are you mad at me?" I asked. That got his attention, he was finally ready to talk to me.

"No Sak. What made you think I'm mad at you?" He said as he was folding his paper.

"Then why are you so cold towards me? Deidara's not acting like that, and so are the others, but you of all people? Why Sasori?" I asked, pain evident in my voice.

He looked me in the eye. "Sak, I was closest to you. I took more damage than the others, how do you suppose will it make me feel? I wasn't able to stop the, because I was too young and weak! It was my fault you were taken, so please understand that seeing you here hurts me. You don't know how it felt." He said calmly, but I know too well that behind his calm demeanor, lies a great storm.

Just then, a half-asleep Deidara entered the Kitchen. Although I was relieved from his arrival, I still wanted to talk to Sasori.

"Good morning Sasori-danna and... Sak?" Deidara rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes as he took a seat beside Sasori.

"Guys what's up? You two seem to be awfully quiet." He said as he noticed the tension between us.

"Shut up. It's too early for your noise." Sasori said as he rose and placed his empty cup in the dishwasher.

Sasori left the kitchen with a book on his hand.

"What got in his pants so early in the morning?" Deidara asked. I shrugged my sholders and lay my head on the table.

"Even Sakura's moody in the morning!" was what I heard last before drifting to sleep.

I was awoken by the noise in the dining hall. It seemed like everyone was up. I also smelled food which got my senses up. I walked towards the dining hall and I saw that indeed everyone including Sasori was there.

I glanced at him but he was too engrossed with his book. My brother was seated at the end of the table beside Konan and Itachi, I walked towards them and Itachi being the gentleman that he was, pulled the chair for me. I was seated beside Itachi, even though I wanted to sit beside Konan-nee.

"Aniki, can I please skip school today?" I said and he looked at Itachi before looking back at me.

"And why is that? It's unusual for you to say that." I sighed when he said that, but my head still ached.

"My head hurts so bad. I think I have to rest this one." I looked at him with my puppy-dog eyes which I know too well he couldn't resist.

He sighed, and looked at Itachi once more. "What do you think Itachi?" I looked at Itachi and he gave me a smirk. "Why not? She does deserve to rest from time to time." I grinned at them and ate my breakfast.

"Sakura dear, we'll be leaving for work. I assume that you can take care of yourself while we're gone, right?" Konan-nee said when we everyone finished eating and is now preparing to leave for school.

"Of course I can. Gambate Konan-nee, Aniki and minna." I said at the door when everyone was already set to leave, well, all except for my brother and Itachi.

"Even if I know you can take care of yourself, I can't let you stay here by yourself. Itachi will be watching over you for this day, and if ever the aching stops, you should go to school, okay?" Pein-aniki said and gave me a soft smile.

"Hai." I grinned at him while watching him get in his car with Konan-nee.

Everyone bid me goodbye and so did I.

When all of them were gone, I looked at Itachi who was standing beside me.

"So now what?" I asked, well I wasn't surprised when he just smirked at me and left to go inside.

"Damn Uchiha's." I said not so loud so that he wouldn't hear.

"I heard that. Hn." He said with his deep, and cool voice. Always. Before it was just Sasuke, and now him. Not that I'm complaining though.

I soon followed Itachi inside the manor and shut the door close.

<Unknown POV>

"So she's back." I said to myself as I stared from my car outside the Akatsuki manor.

<Sakura's POV>

We were sitting on the sofa in the living room doing nothing and Itachi being Itachi, it was definitely quiet.

"Itachi, I'm bored." I said but my eyes were still focused on the screen in front of me.

"No you're not. You're sick, so better rest." He said, eyes also focused in front.

"I want to go to school. I'm going to miss a lot!" I said but still, my head ached. I'm wondering when this will be gone because I really can't wait to go back to school!

"You're smart, you can manage." He looked at me and stared for a while before speaking again "You just miss Sasuke" He then smirked at me. As usual, he knows me too much.

I pouted and decided to go to my room and try to sleep this off.

"Goodnight Itachi. I'm going to sleep." I said before exiting the area. He didn't say anything and just let me leave.

As soon as I have left the living room, the ache that I've been feeling increased. It hurt so bad that my legs gave up on me, and I was practically on the floor, holding my head in pain. I couldn't take it anymore and I let out a scream.

Itachi rushed to where I was and he lifted me off the ground.

"Sakura, can you hear me?" He said firmly. I tried to speak but it pained again. I cringed and curled into a ball in his chest.

"I-Itachi, it hurts!" was all I said before losing consciousness.

<Itachi's POV>

"Sakura hang in there. Don't worry, I'm here." I said before she fainted.

Tch. This was Pein's fault. If he hadn't used his Rinengan on Sakura, this wouldn't be happening.

I brought her to her room and laid her on her bed. I went to the kitchen to get her medicine for when she wakes up.

I left her room and went to my own and noticed that Sasuke hasn't talked to Sakura since the incident, even though Sakura's memories of that night were taken, Sasuke's memories was not, and it was very unusual of him.

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