Chapter 12: The recurrence

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Chapter 12

<Itachi's POV>

"Yes, she had another attack about 2 hours ago" I said calmly to Pein on the phone. When Sakura fainted, I took her back to her room and examined her. She was sweating profusely and when I touched her forehead, it was burning.

This must be due to the after-effect of my Sharingan on her. Even though I was highly against using this countless of times, I could not do anything. If I were not to use it, it would trouble Sakura more, and us most.

Pein had pointed out that my younger brother would succeed Madara's plans, I think otherwise. He's my brother, the one person that I'd risk my life for him not to end up like me. If it came to the point where I must stop Madara to save Sasuke, I'd do it whole heartedly.

"I-itai... S-s-stop it, it hurts!" I was taken back from my thoughts when Sakura was twisting and turning in her bed, screaming at the top of her lungs. "Pein, she's at it again. I'll do what I can, but come back as soon as you can." I said as I hang up. The block in her memory must be taken out completely, or else this might kill her entirely, but if I were to do it, I would be unlocking her powers at the same time.

"Sakura, get a grip of yourself." I pinned her down with my strength, she was heating up even more. She was on the brink of a hyperpyrexia and if she were to heat up even more, would ultimately be fatal.

The door slammed open and in came Konan, Pein and Deidara. "Itachi, what happened?" Pein asked as I was still pinning a struggling Sakura. "She's going through hyperpyrexia. Deidara, go get a lot of ice, Pein help me bring Sakura to the tub." I demanded and they did as I said. Pein went to carry Sakura's upper body while I carried the lower. We carried her all the way to her bathroom. "Deidara, the ice!" I shouted and he came rushing with two buckets of ice.

We carefully placed her inside the tub and poured the ice that Deidara brought to lower her temperature. I looked at Pein, and by the way I was looking at him, he knew what I meant. He gave me a nod and as Sakura's body reacted to the change of temperature, I started to release he barrier with my Sharingan.

It was as if an encrypted message was in her brain, that was something only I could decrypt. In an instant, Sakura's temperature went back to normal, while I almost lost my balance and a wave of pain hit my nervous system. Doing this was like wielding a double-edged sword, as the user inflicts pain, he too would be inflicted by the same pain.

<Sakura's POV>

"Sakura" I felt like I was encased in a deep and dark void. It was cold and hot at the same time. I wasn't sure where I was because there was only darkness around me. The only thing I could feel was numbness. "Sakura" There it is again. A voice which calls my name. It was faint but I was sure someone was indeed calling me. Suddenly, a light came out of nowhere.

"Sakura!" as my eyes opened slowly, I could feel the presence of other people around me. "Sakura, look at me." My eyes completely adjusted to the light in the room and I turned to the person who was talking. "Aniki. Where am I?" He looked like relief had been brought back to him. He held my right hand to his face and a single tear dropped from his eye.

"I'm so sorry for keeping everything from you. I was only protecting you." The memories of the past came completely rushing to my head. Everything from the day I was born until the present day. "Aniki, I want to be alone for now. Please?" I said and gave him a weak smile.

"Alright, but when you get your strength back, we shall talk." I nodded and he gave me a peck on the forehead before he left.

Once he was gone, I thought to myself that things may be different from now on. Will I still be able to talk to Sasuke? Because I won't take not seeing him.

I could hear something vibrating. I looked around to find the source and found out that it came from my phone that was on my nightstand. I reached for it and saw a new message from Sasuke. As far as I could remember, it had been 2 days since I last talked to him. "We need to talk." I read the contents out loud and at the same time, I was wandering what it could possibly be about. I typed "Okay, just tell me where and when." And I sent it to him.

I placed my phone beside me and stared at the ceiling to contemplate the things that were happening around me. It lasted for about 30 minutes and my eyes felt heavy for some reason. The heavy feeling turned into a tingling sensation before it felt like my eyes were burning. I shouted at the top of my lungs because the pain was immense and I couldn't take it.

The first to come rushing to my door was Sasori, when I turned to look at him, he shut his eyes closed. "Sak, you need to calm down." He said while walking towards me, eyes still shut. "I hurts Sasori! Why does it hurt so much?!" I was hysterically covering my eyes with my hands, trying to ease the pain.

"Sakura, listen to me. You have to calm down. The pain will stop if you calm down." Was all he said before aniki and the rest of the Akatsuki came one after the other.

"This is an emergency, whatever you do, never look directly into her eyes." I heard aniki say this. Why can't they look me in the eye? I removed my hands from my eyes and looked around me to see my aniki and Itachi being the only ones whose eyes were opened. The pain somehow subsided but the people around me were frozen.

"What's happening?" I asked as I gave them a questioned look. "For now we are inside my genjutsu. We have something that we should've told you a long time ago." Itachi said. I looked at my aniki and he had a blank expression in his face. "What is it?" Pein aniki walked forward. "You, Sakura have the power to control anyone and anything with your eyes. That was why you were abducted, and that was why we had to seal it along with your memories of having it and altered the memory of the time when you were abducted. But now, our seal had been gradually wearing off and your power increasing as you age. Leaving us no choice but to undo the seal." Aniki said before looking towards Itachi. "The sensation you are feeling are the after effect of the seal being undone. You have to calm down for you to control those eyes of yours." Itachi said.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "I will now release my genjutsu and he pain will return. You must control it or else someone might die." Itachi said as he raised his hand. As soon as he lowered it, time went back to normal, and so did the pain. 'Control it. Control it. Control it. You have to control it.' I kept repeating this over and over in my head until the pain slowly subsided and eventually was gone.

"Good job. Now drink this to help you relax." Aniki gave me a glass of water and a red pill. I took the pill and drank it with the water. "I'm sure that you're tired. Everyone leave first and give Sakura some time to recover." And as soon as aniki ordered them to leave, one by one they left. Sasori and Deidara gave me one long look before exiting my room, leaving me, Itachi and my aniki inside.

"We have a lot of things to tell you. You will be prohibited to leave the premises without a companion." My eyes widened when I heard this. "What about school?" Pein looked at Itachi before speaking. "You will still be able to go to school but Itachi will be escorting you in all your classes.". I sighed. "Wouldn't they find that weird, a freshman and a senior in the same class? I mean, is Itachi-nii going to sit-in in my class?" I asked and he smirked. "No, it would be the opposite, you will be advance to the senior level. Considering that you can now memorize anything with those eyes of yours, it would not be a problem at all." I was surprised and at the same time worried about my situation.

"What about Sasuke?" As soon as I said this, aniki's face looked upset, alarmed even. "What about Sasuke?" He said his name like it was venom, and I was so sure that something was up. "Am I still allowed to be with him?" That was it. I knew that I wouldn't see him like the way I used to before. "Itachi must be with you. Sasuke is a dangerous person to be with. That is why Itachi must be with you when I'm not around. Understood?" I had no choice but to submit. At least I could still see him again.

Chapter End.



Hey guys, I'm back. I've got it figured out already. The plot is going well in my mind. I had some new inspirations and the writer's block has been lifted. 

I know that the story took a turn when it comes to the genre. I got a little serious about the plot and the way I write stories also changed, it got a little darker, if you know what I mean, so I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

-Luna West

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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