Chapter 2 - Chinese New Year

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Chapter 2

The first couple of days passed by as we expected; we simply just settled in. We didn't have much time to go out and explore the city, although I doubted there was much to it. Everything was completely different back home in Arizona, and the only person whom I didn't feel like belonged to a different planet was Aunt Sarah. Everywhere I looked, it was like looking through a grey, lifeless filter--the result of a lifeless, cold climate. I certainly did not welcome it.

If two days ago, I were told that I'd be sitting in a new bedroom in Alaska now, I would've laughed. It was hard to believe our parents kept this a secret for so long. We took all our decisions together. Our family has always been close -- albeit, Damon and I were adopted-- and it was one of the things I was immensely grateful for.

My bedroom door suddenly flung wide open to reveal a bored-looking Damon, his dark hair a mess. If everything were to change in the world, I knew that things between my family and I will never change. Usually I would've scowled at Damon's lack of knocking, but right now, I find myself smiling as I welcomed the sense of normality

"Hey, Ashie-pie," he said teasingly, bouncing on my bed. I rolled my eyes upon hearing the nickname I spent years trying to get rid of. "How we holding up?"

I have kept everything bottled up since we've arrived, afraid of breaking down if I acknowledged the harsh truth of moving. Busying myself with unpacking, decorating my room, and settling in provided a way out of not thinking about it. But now as I looked at Damon resting with his arm behind his head and his dark eyebrows furrowed, the honest words were out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"I'm never seeing Reece again, I know that I do not and will ever fit in this place. I'll probably be the next outsider when I go to school tomorrow. I miss Fin. And I haven't seen a vivid color outside since the moment I fucking walked on Alaskan ground. What is this, Suicidal Santa's neighborhood?"

I took a deep breath, rubbing my tired eyes before aggressively running a hand through my tangled hair. He didn't answer. Finally, when I looked over at him, I saw him rolling his eyes with a slightly amused smile and a teasing glint in his rich, jade eyes.

"I came to ask if you were hungry enough to order takeout, you drama queen."

"Asshat," I muttered, forcefully chucking a pillow at his head which he easily missed. "Chinese is good."

He got up to leave with a smirk on his face, but before he can close the door, he turned around with a knowing look. "So, Reece isn't here. So what? What did you think would happen anyways? You would go to college together and get married together and then live next to each other and have your children-"

"Shut up! Just shut up. Jeez, you talk more than an excited Sarah on Family Game Night," I interrupted, chucking another pillow that successfully hit the back of his head.

"I thought I would never see that laugh again, you bitch," he called out before leaving and finally closing the door behind him.

I puffed, then collapsed on the bed, my brown hair fanning around my head.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.


"Welcome to Marviston High School," the cheerful receptionist that seemed to be in her mid-40′s said, beaming at us.

"You must be Ash and Damon Brooks," she smiled, nodding at each of us, "and you, my dear, must be Elyse!" The old lady stretched her perfectly manicured hand towards my mom, and Damon and I rolled our eyes.

Everyone loved Elyse; she's that cool mom in the neighborhood whom everyone wanted to be friends with, which explains why we call her by her first name.

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