Chapter 38 - Oblivous As A Rock

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Chapter 38


The next day, I woke up with a different—in a good way—spirit. I discovered that Cameron was going to be staying at a different hotel than ours since everything was on such short notice and the hotel was fully booked. I felt guilty about being happy, but I just couldn't handle the constant crying and misery that never failed to remind me was my fault.

Also, the weather in Los Angeles was a nice break from the freezing weather here. To be fair, though, the only place we went to in Fairbanks was to parties or each other's houses; the weather simply didn't allow otherwise unless it was a good day where my teeth weren't chattering and a cloud of frozen air would form every time I talked.

I took one last final look around the room I'd be leaving for the week, making a mental list of all the things that should be with me.

Sighing, I shut the bedroom door with my traveling bag in hand. I groaned when I started walking down the stairs whilst rolling the bag, the heavy bag hitting the back of my legs and thudding on each step as I descended the stairs.

As usual, everyone was already waiting for me outside once I reached the bottom of the stairs. Dad stepped out of the car to help me load the bag into the car trunk.

"You sure you got everything?" Dad asked for confirmation as I opened the car door.


He nodded and got into the passenger seat as well.

Cameron uncharacteristically grinned at me. I was confused at her weird behavior but smiled back.

She leaned in closer and started talking very quietly, that I had a hard time making her words. "I've made a big decision about my relationship with Warren."

I raised my eyebrows. "What is it?"

"He can go screw himself. I'm keeping the baby and my dignity." She looked very impressed with herself and so was I.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked tentatively. I didn't want her to go back on her word even if it was because of a simple question.

"Elyse and I talked a little. And it was about time my vision cleared and I saw him for who really was."

I really wanted to believe her words, but I had a feeling that this was just a temporary change of feelings. It was impossible to loose feelings for the one you loved for more than 6 years.

I nodded back with a small smile. She turned to Damon and started talking about something that I didn't care to know about. I turned my head and rested my cheek against the cool window. Once again, I was grateful that we'd be taking a break from this awful weather. I remembered when we first moved here and I thought that the weather in Arizona was worse—as in it was too hot. It seemed like such a long while ago, like maybe a couple years ago.

I pushed my thoughts aside and fished for my headphones in the carry-on bag that I took with me before plugging them in my phone. I pressed 'resume' and the first song in my playlist started playing as I turned to watch the scenes pass by us so fast, they blurred into a pale, blue, mess of a picture.

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