Chapter 12 - The Date (I)

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Chapter 12


Emma, Bex, and I have gotten closer since the beginning of the year, but Emma didn't know about the scheme Bex and I were planning. They were all in my room right now, and I was supposed to get ready for the date, except I can't find the perfect outfit.

"Are you sure he didn't mention where you'd be going?" Emma asked hopelessly, from my walk-in closet. Her fashion taste was impeccable while I couldn't pair an outfit to save my life. It pretty much explains why most of the time I'm in my PINK sweatpants.

"No, he didn't," I said, scrolling through my twitter feed, "I didn't even ask him."

"Well, that's a dumb thing to do," Bex said, shaking her head.

"If I agreed with you, then we'd both be wrong," I said, winking. "Just give me something comfortable to wear."

After fishing in my closet for 5 more minutes, she finally threw at me black tights with a strapless cute burgundy loose top, and paired it with half-boots and a necklace.

"So, what do you think?" I asked after putting the outfit on, doing a little turn.

"You look amazing," Emma squealed with her hands clasped excitedly.

I turned to see Bex's reaction, but she looked a little disturbed.

"Bex, do you not like it?" I asked, the confusion clear in my voice.

"What? No, no, I like it," she said with a forced smile.

I furrowed my eyebrows in suspicion and confusion. I'm about to ask her about it when the doorbell rang.

"Yay! He's here!" Emma squealed even more, and I laughed at her. She was more excited about this than I was.

"I'll go get it," Bex said before escaping downstairs.

"What's up with her?"

"I don't know, I'll talk to her when you leave," Emma said, shrugging.

Grabbing my little bag, I took one last look in the mirror, tucking my hair behind my ear before going downstairs.

Bex and Ryder were laughing about something, looking engrossed in their conversation.

"Well, you guys would make a great couple," I said, only half joking.

Bex rolled her eyes and I laughed as I walked down the stairs.

"Well, you look . . . you look very pretty."

"I know," I said winking at him.

Once I realized what I said, my eyes widened in horror. "Oh, God. Your conceitedness is rubbing off on me."

He just laughed as we bid Bex goodbye before leaving the house. That's when I realized that I left Emma and Bex in the house alone.

Oh, well. Whatever. It's not like they're gonna throw a big party or anything.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked once we got in the car.

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