Chapter 26 - Surprise, Bitch!

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Chapter 26


"We're late!"

"I know we're late!" I called back to Damon.

"Then, hurry the fu** up!"

"Damon, don't say that! Hurry the fu** up, you lazy bum!" Sarah yelled.

"Why are you guys all yelling? We're all in the same floor." I rolled my eyes, finally strapping my sandals. I distantly heard Damon walk down the stairs.

   I hung the cross-bag over my shoulder and ran down the stairs. Damon was tapping his foot impatiently by the door.

   "Finally! Come on, you can't be any later than this." He opened the front door and left to the car with me on his trail.

Since everyone was traveling during the holiday, we decided that we'd all meet up at the ice cream parlor to have a hangout. As usual, Damon and I were the last ones to get there, but it's not my fault that my sandals decided to magically disappear in that jungle I call a closet.

   Once we got there, I saw that everyone was waiting for us at a table in a small corner. They already bought their ice cream.

   "Gee, thanks for waiting for us, guys." I rolled my eyes.

   "Come on, you guys were 45 minutes late!" Ryder said with a face full of ice cream.

   Drake threw a napkin at his face. "Hey, try to get the ice cream in your mouth this time. Don't worry, we just bought them," he told us assuringly.

   "Damon, are you-" I looked to my left to see that he already left and was paying for his ice cream. I sighed and just got in line as well.

   "Hello, I'm Daisy! What would you like to have?" the girl behind the cashier asked, her eyes wide with enthusiasm. She was talking like she just met Shane Dawson and I found her perkiness really annoying.

"Hi, can I have two balls of chocolate chip cookie dough. No toppings and in a cup please."

"Sure!" she said loudly making me jump, "That would be 4 dollars and 99 cents."

I handed her a five dollar bill before taking the cup and going back to our table. Ryder was laughing at my expression when I sat back down.

"Yeah, she actually goes to our school. Her name is Polly, I think," Emma said.

"Perky Polly there gave me a headache," I replied.

"She's as bright as this parlor," Drake said with a laugh. It was true. The place was very colorful with colors of bright yellow, hot pink, and popping blue. I guess they wanted to imitate the ice cream flavors, but I think they went overboard.

"So, am I the only one that's staying in Fairbanks these weeks?" Bex asked.

"No, it's you and I, Bexley." Ryder leaned back in his chair after finishing his cone.

Damon and I were going to Cali, and Drake was going to his family beach house. It was a tradition that Emily was invited every year so that left Bex and Ryder.

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