Chapter 18 - Just An Illusion

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Chapter 18


The punishment week had passed painfully slow, but nevertheless, it passed. As much as Elyse tried, she wasn't able to convince dad to let us go to soccer practice. He's a strange man; he'd let me hang out with lots of guys that he knew nothing about, but would still punish me over ditching school.

However, they did let my friends come over every once in a while. But it was to study because midterms were coming up. Sometimes it would be Bex, Damon, and I studying in my room. Sometimes it'd be Emma, Drake, Ryder, and I who'd be studying. Obviously, we couldn't all cram in one room.

I pushed my thoughts aside, and took a bite out of my burger. I wish I didn't though; the burger tasted bland but disgusting, making me grimace. Pushing the tray aside, my eyes caught Celeste walking towards our table.

"What does she want?" Emma muttered under her breath.

"Hi guys!" She gave us a sugar sweet fake smile. No one replied. "So, my older brother is throwing a party and he's inviting all his friends from college. You guys should come."

"Why?" I asked dryly.

"Because it's the party of the year. You guys are lucky you're even-" she stopped herself short and drew her mask back on. "I mean, I'd love it if you came. It'll be fun."

"Thanks for the offer, but-"

"We'll be coming," Emma said, interrupting me.

"What?" I gave her a look.

Emma glared at me, silently telling me to be quiet. "Just text me the details."

"Okay." She gave us one last fake smile before strutting away.

"What was that about?" Ryder asked, taking the words out of my mouth.

"We only have this week left before our vacation. Let's start it with an awesome party hosted by smoking hot college guys," Emma said with a wink to which Drake replied with a grunt.

"I don't like this," Drake and Ryder said simultaneously.

I rolled my eyes. "Emma's right. I was trapped in my house all week, I need a break."

"I'm with Ash." Damon scoffed.

Bex was silent the entire time. Usually, she'd at least say a couple sentences, but today her mouth was zipped.

"Bex, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, you've been quiet the whole day," Drake said.

"Nothing," she said with a smile.

Everyone believed it and went back to their conversations, but I saw that it was a forced smile.

"I don't believe you." I got closer to her and lowered my voice.

"Well, you should. Really, nothing's wrong."

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