Chapter 9 - Drowning In A Sea Of Pranks

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Chapter 9


"Elyse, please," I pleaded making her groan for the umpteenth time. She rubbed her temples in hopes of getting rid of the headache. It's really her fault that she decided to tell me this in the morning.

Elyse and Dad were going away the whole day on Saturday which meant that Damon and I would be left alone. But Damon was going on Ryder's family boat with the rest of the team, and Dad and Elyse wouldn't leave me in the house alone.

"Ashie-pie, you know I can't leave you alone in the house. Even if I completely 101% trust you," she said with an amused smile.

"Elyse, come on, you already know I'll end up reading on Wattpad the whole day or watching Netflix." I groaned as I slumped on the couch much to Damon's amusement. "And you trust me more with 11 guys?"

   "What can I say? I'm a weird mother," she said, leaving the kitchen.

   "You're supposed to be the responsible parent now!" I called out from behind her.

   "When was I ever the responsible parent?" She called back laughing.

   I was awaken the next morning with a groan when I felt someone shake my body aggressively. The consistent shaking wouldn't stop until I slapped whoever happened to be in front of me blindly. The person with the death wish groaned painfully. Opening one eye lazily, I caught sight of a pained Ryder with a bright, red, left cheek.

The fact that he was in pain made me smirk, but that quickly dropped when it finally dawned on me that Ryder was on my bed, and I wasn't wearing pants under my comforter.

"Get out! Now!" I pulled up the comforters over my chest, hiding my Spongebob pijamas. His face was confused for a second before he understood. "Ohh."

His ears and neck were tinted bright red and he started backing away, leaving the room. It was the first time I see him blush, and I had to say it was so cute.

   Well, that's weird. I'm pretty sure he saw plenty of girls with less than their pijamas. I shrugged it off, and went to the bathroom when I was sure that Ryder had left.

After freshening up and changing into a triangle pink and orange bikini, and slipping on a short dress, I packed my Ray Bans, sunscreen, phone, and ebook reader before heading downstairs. Strangely, all the boys were already waiting for me there.

"I thought we were all supposed to meet up by the boat," I said confusedly as I grabbed an apple and took a bite.

"Change of plans. This'll just be faster," Damon explained as he started heading to the car, the cooler in his hands.

The team consisted of Drake, Damon, Ryder, Liam (the guy i kissed at the party), Chris, Alec, Eric, Abe, Luke, Kyle, and Brydon. They all seemed pretty nice. And pretty cute, if I may add.

"We obviously can't fit in one car so we'll be divided. Damon, Ryder, Ash, and Luke will be in Ash's car. Liam, Chris, Alec, and I will be in my car. And Brydon, Eric, and Kyle will be in Eric's car. Capiché?" Drake explained in one long breath. We all nodded before going to our assigned cars.

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