Chapter 11 - What The Heck, Ash?

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Chapter 11


   I sobbed loudly as the tears fell freely down my cheeks. This was so not fair. I blew my nose in a piece of tissue as another sob wracked my body making it shake consistently. Now I knew why people called it heart break; your heart literally breaks in a thousand pieces with piercing emotional pain.

   Once the floodgates had opened, there was no way it could've been stopped. I cried and cried until I was sure I ran out of tears, my mouth felt dry, and my throat thick from dehydration.

Great, now I have to go downstairs to grab a water bottle which means I'll face my parents. Going to my bathroom, I washed my face with cold water, and took a deep breath.

Damon, Elyse, and dad were all watching a movie in the living room. I think it was Now You See Me. Sarah's a very fit person so she probably went to the gym.

Trying not to make the steps creak, I tip-toed to the kitchen.

"Oh, hi Ash. Where were you?" Dad asks just when I thought I had done the mission impossible.

Cursing under my breath, I hid my face behind my hair, trying not to show them my puffy red face.

"I . . . uh." I cleared my throat that was hoarse from crying. "I was doing my homework."

Elyse's eyebrows rose in suspicion as she started walking towards me.

Please don't let her see my face, please don't let her see my face, I prayed.

But who was I kidding? This is Elyse The Hawk, the woman that can legit see in the dark.

"Are you crying? Oh, my god. What happened?" She asked after getting close look at my face.

I felt a pang of guilt at her concern. If only she knew why I was crying.

Damon rushed to me, and pushed my hair out of my eyes. "F-ck, Ash, what's wrong? Is it a guy? Is it Ryder? I swear to God, I'll mess up his face so much, he won't be able to differentiate between his brother and Mrs. Johnson," he said angrily, fumes practically shooting out of his nostrils and ears.

Just as Dad started coming towards me, I couldn't handle the guilt anymore.

"Guys, stop! I'm so sorry, I was just crying because . . . because of the book that I was reading," I blurted out.

And it was true. The male character had died to save his beloved in a very twisted and cruel way. The things the author does to me.

All three of their expressions went from concern to shock to a 'what-the-heck-Ash' expression. I tried to muster a smile, but that just turned to a grimace.

"What did I expect?" Dad asked, shaking his head before they all went back to watching the movie.

Grabbing my water bottle, I left them all, and went to my bedroom to complete the heartbreaking book.

Doodling on my algebra book, I listened to Mrs. Johnson drawl on about the lesson. A sudden idea popped up to me that'd certainly take my boredom away.

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