Chapter 4 - Winning in BrrAska

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Chapter 4


"So what do you think?"

"I don't know, Drake. I mean, it would probably be grea-"

"It would definitely be great if you both just shut up for a minute!" I hissed at the morons on both my sides. They were discussing whether or not joining the basketball team too was going to be a good idea.

"Can't she just mind her own business?" Ryder said, sounding annoyed.

"Nah, she probably can't; she has some pretty bad anger issues. Careful or she might just punch your face again. Foxy The Murderer is dangerous," Drake replied, smiling at the memory of what had happened last week.

I don't know why they were talking about me like I wasn't just sitting between them.

"I'm right here," I snapped, trying not to sound loud enough to disturb Mrs. Johnson who wouldn't take any kind of interruption smoothly. I wasn't too keen on visiting the principal's office every week.

Before they had a chance to answer, the bell rang loudly, and every one piled out to go to lunch. I hurried out of the class, squished between a large mass of people.

Someone nudged me hard in the shoulder, and from the corner of my eyes I glimpsed Ryder smirking. He thinks he can mess around with me. I was going to stick my leg sideways and trip him when I noticed his shoe laces were untied.

Even better, I thought, and stepped on them suddenly without anyone noticing.

Except Ryder, of course, who fell right on a teacher's back, bringing her down with him.

"Excuse me! Do you think this is funny, mister?" She yelled angrily, looking at a shocked and a very embarrassed Ryder, who was back to his feet in a second. The spotlight was currently on them; everyone in the hall stopped to watch.

"I am very sorry, really, it wasn't on purpose," he stammered, bending down with a few other students to help the teacher gather her scattered papers from the ground.

"I do not care!" Was her response as she got up, shooting him the worst look imaginable when he offered her a hand, which he quickly withdrew. "You go straight to the principal's office right this instant, you hear me?"

I muffled my laughter as his face got red.

"Miss, really, I can explain, it was her, she's the one who stepped on my laces," he looked at me meaningfully.

"You just said it was an accident!"

"No, I said it was-"

"ENOUGH! Both of you, to the principal's office. Right now!"

I knew it wouldn't be a good idea if I argued with her right now, so I just strode in the frozen crowd, ignoring all the eyes on me.

"What? You thought you were gonna get away with that," Ryder said from behind me.

"No, I thought you would just buck up and not be a tattle-taler."

He didn't have a response for that, so we just walked silently to the office.

"You know what? We don't actually have to enter, it's not like the teacher is gonna check whether we came or not."

But he had already knocked on the door.

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