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The next morning Brandon woke up to his alarm at 6:45. It was a school day but he was hoping that he didn’t have to go because of what had happen the night before. Callie groaned.

“Brandon turn that off!!” Callie said and made Brandon jump

Brandon hit the alarm.

“Cals I will be right back. I have to ask moms if I can stay home today. I am tired. You can go back to sleep. I know you are staying home.”

Brandon walked downstairs to find Lena talking to David from CPS.

“Um. Mom can I talk to you please?” Brandon asked

“Sure what’s up?”  Lena asked

“Can I stay home from school today? I didn’t sleep very well with Callie’s nightmares.” Brandon said

“Um…Sure.” Lena answered quickly

Brandon went upstairs and into his room to find Callie asleep. He climbed into bed and well asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

“You are letting him stay home just because Callie had a few nightmares?” David asked

“Yes.” Lena said bluntly “Callie was sleeping in his room because we got home late from the hospital. She doesn’t have nightmares when she is with Brandon. I am afraid that if we let you take her and Jude away she will get hurt. She trusts Brandon and I don’t want to break that trust.”

“Well… I think she can stay for a little while longer….. But she has to sleep in her own room.” David said after a while

“Ok thank you.” Lena said then showed David the door

Lena went upstairs and into Brandon’s room to get Callie to see them both snuggled up sleeping. So she went back downstairs to take the other kids to school.

“Jude! Jesus! Marianna! In the car now time to go to school!!” Lena yelled to the three.

“Where are Callie and Brandon?” Marianna asked oblivious to the fact that Callie hadn’t been in her room sleeping.

“They are still asleep, Callie had a nightmare and Brandon woke up because Callie is sleeping in Brandon’s room” Lena answered as she pushes the here out the door. “I am going back home after I drop you guys off to talk to them so you will have to walk home.”

“OK” the three said together

Lena dropped the three off and went home. She walked into the house and heard a scream. She rushed upstairs to find Brandon running into his room to Callie as she was screaming.

“Callie, Callie wake up. Its ok.” Brandon whispered to Callie.

Callie woke up and started to cry. Brandon pulled her up on his lap and wraps his arms around her.

“Brandon I need to talk to you alone please. Callie will you be ok?” Lena said

Brandon looked at Callie as she nodded. Brandon let go of Callie and went into Lena’s room.

“Brandon, Callie needs to sleep in her own room. David will let her stay if she sleeps in her own bed.” Lena said

“Did you see her? She had a nightmare when I went to the bathroom.” Brandon whispered





TBC! I will write a new chapter tonight!!

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